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How do I graph two trendlines on one graph?

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Robert Fehr
Robert Fehr le 18 Mar 2015
Commenté : Robert Fehr le 20 Mar 2015
I can plot two data sets on graph, however when I go to add a trend line, I can only do so for one data set. I need to be able two add a trend line for both data sets. So my plot will have to data sets and two trendlines.
Thanks guys,
  1 commentaire
Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein le 18 Mar 2015
Are you referring to some special tool or just to normal plotting? In the first case, which tool? In the second case, why are you not able to plot two trendlines? Here, I use smooth() as trendline:
figure, plot(x,y1,x,y2)
hold all
-> works.

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Pritesh Garg
Pritesh Garg le 18 Mar 2015
Try using the command hold on and plot the other trendline. (Type help hold on in the command window for description)
  1 commentaire
Robert Fehr
Robert Fehr le 20 Mar 2015
Thanks! I used this after creating to fits and it worked well.

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