Why am I getting a error 'Dimensions of arrays being concatenated are not consistent'

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Joe Angus
Joe Angus le 20 Nov 2022
Réponse apportée : Voss le 20 Nov 2022
Why am i getting an error message. I thought i was producing a 12x12 zeros matrix, then adding the matrix calculcated to the zeroes. This works when I use a 4x4. why doesnt 12x12 work. LINE 117 is the error.
% BarFE.m
% The purpose of BarFE.m is to introduce you to coding your own
% Finite element software. Herein, we will use bar elements in 2D for
% simplicity.
% Use this file as a template to expand it to 3D, then further add
% DoF like shaft and beams.
% Written by: Terence Macquart.
% Last Updated: 07/04/2021.
% Updated by:
% Change log:
% Contact details:
% BCI (ACCIS) - Bristol Composite Institute
% Department of Aerospace Engineering - University of Bristol
% Queen's Building - University Walk
% Bristol - BS8 1TR
% U.K.
% E-mail: terence.macquart@bristol.ac.uk
% Phone:
%% swap folder and add any subfolders/files to your matlab path
if(~isdeployed), cd(fileparts(which('BarFE_Example')));end
Error using cd
Unable to change current folder to '' (Name is nonexistent or not a folder).
clear; close all; clc
maindir = pwd;
maindir(maindir=='\')='/'; % for linux
addpath (genpath(strcat(maindir)))
%% Step 1/2 geometry
%%%%%%% node and element connectivity
% node coordinates (set 3rd column to 0 for 2D)
nodes = [...
0, 0, 0 ;
1, 1, 0;
0, 1, 0;
1, 0, 0;
2, 1, 0;
2, 0, 0;
3, 1, 0];
% element connectivity matrix
eConn = [...
1, 2;
3, 2;
1, 4;
4, 5;
4, 6;
2, 5;
6, 7;
5, 7;
4, 2;
6, 5];
ne = size(eConn,1); % number of bar elements
% plot the structure nodes
figure('name','Nodes and Elements')
hold on
plot(nodes(:,1), nodes(:,2), 'blue o', 'markerfacecolor', 'blue')
xlabel('x (m)')
ylabel('y (m)')
axis equal
grid on
for i=1:size(nodes,1)
% compute theta and length for each element
Le = zeros(ne,1); % element length
theta = zeros(ne,1); % element orientation(rad)
for i=1:ne
elemtNode1 = nodes(eConn(i,1),:)';
elemtNode2 = nodes(eConn(i,2),:)';
opp = elemtNode2(2) - elemtNode1(2);
adj = elemtNode2(1) - elemtNode1(1);
theta(i) = atan2(opp,adj);
Le(i) = sqrt( sum((elemtNode2-elemtNode1).^2) ); % = norm(elemtNode2-elemtNode1)
% plot the structure elements
plot([elemtNode1(1), elemtNode2(1)], [elemtNode1(2), elemtNode2(2)],'black')
text(mean([elemtNode1(1), elemtNode2(1)]),mean([elemtNode1(2), elemtNode2(2)]),num2str(i))
%% Step 3/4/5 Element stiffness matrices (bars only in this example)
%%%%%%% element properties and stiffness matrix
%%%%%%% all element are assumed to have the same area and Young's modulus
%%%%%%% Ke is the 2D element stiffness matrix in the element ref. frame
%%%%%%% Kg is the 2D element stiffness matrix in the global ref. frame
A = 0.01; % bar cross-sectional area (m^2)
E = 190*1e9; % Young's modulus (Pa)
Izz = 5000;
Iyy = 5000;
G = 5000;
J = 5000;
Ke = zeros(12,12,ne);
Kg = zeros(12,12,ne);
for i=1:ne
Ke(:,:,i) = [A*E/(Le(i)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -A*E/(Le(i)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
0, 12*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, -12*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3;
0, 0, 12*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, -12*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0;
0, 0, 0, G*J/Le(i), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -G*J/Le(i), 0, 0;
0, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 4*Le(i)^2*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 6*Le(i)*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 2*Le(i)^2*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0;
6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 4*Le(i)^2*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 2*Le(i)^2*E*Izz/Le(i)^3;
A*E/Le(i), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A*E/Le(i), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0;
0, -12*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0 ,0, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 12*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3;
0, 0, -12*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 6*Le(i)*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 12*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 6*Le(i)*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0;
0, 0, 0, -G*J/Le(i), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, G*J/Le(i), 0, 0;
0, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 2*Le(i)^2*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 6*Le(i)*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0, 4*Le(i)^2*E*Iyy/Le(i)^3, 0;
0, 6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 2*Le(i)^2*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 4*Le(i)^2*E*Izz/Le(i)^3];
R = [cos(theta(i)) -sin(theta(i));
sin(theta(i)) cos(theta(i))];
R = blkdiag(R,R);
Kg(:,:,i) = R*Ke(:,:,i)*R';
%% Step 6 Assembly
%%%%%%% element assembly
%%%%%%% the global stiffness matrix is 14x14 since we have 2 degrees of
%%%%%%% freedom per node (translations in x and y), and 7 nodes
%%%%%%% here I chose to number the degrees of freedom as follows
%%%%%%% Dof = description
%%%%%%% 1 = node 1 translation in x
%%%%%%% 2 = node 1 translation in y
%%%%%%% 3 = node 2 translation in x
%%%%%%% 4 = node 3 translation in y
%%%%%%% ...
%%%%%%% 14 = node 7 translation in y
%%%%%%% this choice is arbitrary and you could chose another one.
K = zeros(14,14); % global stiffness matrix
for i=1:ne
nodeID = eConn(i,:); % index of nodes linked to element i
id = sort([nodeID*2-1 nodeID*2]); % index of dofs linked to element i
K(id,id) = K(id,id) + Kg(:,:,i); % add stiffnes of element i to global stiffness matrix
%% Step 7/8 Boundary conditions & Solve
%%%%%%% Apply Boundary conditions & loads, then solve
%%%%%%% Clamped at node 1 and 3
%%%%%%% vertical downward force at node 7 Fy = -1e4 Newtons
u = zeros(14,1);
F = zeros(14,1);
F(end) = -4e6; % external force (N) applied at the last dof
% remove the boundary conditions and solve the remaing system of equations
idBC = [1 2 5 6]; % dofs set to zero due to clamps
idFree = [3 4 7:14]; % remaining free dofs
Kf = K(idFree,idFree);
Ff = F(idFree);
u(idFree) = Kf^-1*Ff; % displacement solution caused by F
%% Step 9 Post-processing
% format the output and visualise the results
u_xy = reshape(u,2,[])';
DeformedNode = nodes(:,1:2)+u_xy;
L = zeros(ne,1); % deformed element length
for i=1:ne
elemtNode1 = DeformedNode(eConn(i,1),:)';
elemtNode2 = DeformedNode(eConn(i,2),:)';
L(i) = sqrt( sum((elemtNode2-elemtNode1).^2) );
if L(i)>Le(i)
% member in tension
plot([elemtNode1(1), elemtNode2(1)], [elemtNode1(2), elemtNode2(2)],'blue','linewidth',2)
% member in compression
plot([elemtNode1(1), elemtNode2(1)], [elemtNode1(2), elemtNode2(2)],'red','linewidth',2)
% strains due to axial deformation (from element summary table for bar)
eps_xx = zeros(ne,1);
for i=1:ne
% for each element find the nodes and DoFs indices
idNodes = eConn(i,:)';
Dof_Node1 = [idNodes(1)*2-1, idNodes(1)*2];
Dof_Node2 = [idNodes(2)*2-1, idNodes(2)*2];
ug = u([Dof_Node1,Dof_Node2]); % global displacement of the nodes
% convert ug into displacement of the nodes expressed in the element coordinate system
R = [cos(theta(i)) -sin(theta(i));
sin(theta(i)) cos(theta(i))];
R = blkdiag(R,R);
ue = R'*ug;
% evaluate the element axial strain
% you can check that eps_xx = (L(i)-Le(i))/Le(i) for small displacements
eps_xx(i) = [-1/Le(i) 1/Le(i)]*ue([1 3]);
%% Step 10 Validate
%%%%%%% Validation against Abaqus results
% Node Label U.U1 U.U2
% @Loc 1 @Loc 1
% -------------------------------------------------
% 1 -6.31579E-03 -37.1723E-03
% 2 -4.21053E-03 -14.3756E-03
% 3 6.31579E-03 -12.2704E-03
% 4 10.5263E-03 -35.0671E-03
% 5 -12.0000E-30 -4.00000E-30
% 6 12.6316E-03 -62.0743E-03
% 7 12.0000E-30 0.
% abaqus node numbering is different than our so we need to make sure to
% compare the correct nodes together --> this is why we use idmap
AbaqusData = [ 1 -6.31579E-03 -37.1723E-03
2 -4.21053E-03 -14.3756E-03
3 6.31579E-03 -12.2704E-03
4 10.5263E-03 -35.0671E-03
5 -12.0000E-30 -4.00000E-30
6 12.6316E-03 -62.0743E-03
7 12.0000E-30 0.];
idmap = [5 3 7 2 4 1 6];
error = abs(u_xy-AbaqusData(idmap,2:3));
assert(all(error(:)<1e-6),'benchmark AbaqusData not maching the results')

Réponses (1)

Voss le 20 Nov 2022
This line has only 11 elements:
6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 4*Le(i)^2*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 0, 0, 2*Le(i)^2*E*Izz/Le(i)^3;
And this line has only 10 elements:
0, -12*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0 ,0, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, 12*E*Izz/Le(i)^3, 0, -6*Le(i)*E*Izz/Le(i)^3;
The other 10 lines each have 12 elements.


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