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xlsxwrite is not working. Do I need MS Excel pre-installed to use xlswrite

11 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
When I run the following code, I get the error "Existing file C:/Data.......(hereis the folder path) may be open. Please close the file and try again". I have pasted only the last part of the code.
Could someone please suggest how to get the three lines working.
xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[PeakLabels;num2cell(PeakData)],1)
xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[SeriesLabels;num2cell(SeriesData)],2)
xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[SummaryLabels;num2cell(SummaryData)],3)
I do not really need the output as MS Excel file, any other table format including csv or txt is also fine. Do I need MS Excel pre-installed to use xlswrite? I do not have MS Excel installed.
Any feedback will be of great help.
Many thanks!
Here is the code:
% A third sheet brings it ALL together....
SummaryData = zeros(1,8);
SummaryLabels ={'Mean Number of Signal Events', 'Standard Deviation of the Number of Signal Events', 'Mean Height (all)', 'Mean Rise Time (all)', 'Mean Decay Time (all)', 'Mean FWHM (all)', 'Mean InterEvent Interval (all)', 'Mean Frequency (all)'};
SummaryData(1) = mean(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(2) = std(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(3) = SeriesData(:,2)'*SeriesData(:,3)/sum(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(4) = SeriesData(:,2)'*SeriesData(:,4)/sum(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(5) = SeriesData(:,2)'*SeriesData(:,5)/sum(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(6) = SeriesData(:,2)'*SeriesData(:,6)/sum(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(7) = max(SeriesData(:,2)'-1,0)*SeriesData(:,7)/sum(max(SeriesData(:,2)'-1,0));
SummaryData(8) = 1/SummaryData(7);
% Delete the file if it already exists....
if exist([FilePath FileName],'file')
delete([FilePath FileName])
% % And write a new file!
xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[PeakLabels;num2cell(PeakData)],1)
xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[SeriesLabels;num2cell(SeriesData)],2)
xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[SummaryLabels;num2cell(SummaryData)],3)
fprintf(1, 'Error.\n');
warndlg(['Existing file ' [FilePath FileName] ' may be open. Please close the file and try again.'], 'Predictors
Not Saved')
  4 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 24 Déc 2022
You are using Windows. In Windows, the default is that a file that is open in one process becomes locked for reading and writing by other processes. Programs have to specifically tell Windows that it is okay to share the file for reading or writing. Excel does not do that -- so if a file is open in Excel, then it is not accessible to other processes, even if Excel is just holding it open for days on end "for efficiency".
Jaideep Cherakka Kesavan
Jaideep Cherakka Kesavan le 25 Déc 2022
Many thanks for the comment.
Infact, I do not have MS Excel installed at all. I am wondering is it necessary to have MS EXcel installed to efficiently use "xlsxwrite"? If it is the fact that MS Excel is not installed on this computer is the cause for the error, I can purchase and install MS Office on the computer.
Since I am not a programmer, I might not be able to modify the code extesnsively -installing MS Excel will be the easier option for me if this is the root cause of the problem.
I am using Windows 10, Matlab 2022a, Matlab version 9.12.
Thank you again.

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Réponse acceptée

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov le 24 Déc 2022
Use writetable() instead of xlswrite() or writematrix()
For .xls or .xlsx or .csv, writetable and writematrix() work perfectly well. De facto, to be able write and read data from such files (xls, xlsx, csv), you'd need to have MS Excel installed in your computer.
  4 commentaires
Jaideep Cherakka Kesavan
Jaideep Cherakka Kesavan le 25 Déc 2022
Thank you for the reply. I changed xlswrite to writetable as shown below, but still have the error message. I am not sure if the syntax I used is correct.
Any advise on how to solve this will be very helpful. Many thanks!
writetable([FilePath FileName],[PeakLabels;num2cell(PeakData)],1)
writetable([FilePath FileName],[SeriesLabels;num2cell(SeriesData)],2)
writetable([FilePath FileName],[SummaryLabels;num2cell(SummaryData)],3)
% xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[PeakLabels;num2cell(PeakData)],1)
% xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[SeriesLabels;num2cell(SeriesData)],2)
% xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[SummaryLabels;num2cell(SummaryData)],3)
The full segment of the function is below.
function save_output_callback(~,~,h)
% The data is saved to three sheets of a spreadsheet. The user can choose
% the name of the spreadsheet. For simplicity, a name related to the
% original data file is suggested as a default....
SuggestedFileName = strsplit(get(h.file_textbox, 'String'),'.');
SuggestedFileName = SuggestedFileName{1};
[FileName, FilePath] = uiputfile(...
'Save or append to file....',...
[SuggestedFileName '_peaks']);
if ~FileName
% Go get all of the data that we wish to summarize and save....
if get(h.shutter_checkbox,'Value')
Observations = get(h.shutter_free_table, 'Data');
Observations = get(h.observation_table, 'Data');
SmoothedObservations = get(h.observation_table, 'UserData');
Peaks = get(h.peak_table, 'Data');
Time = get(h.time_table, 'Data');
HalfBefore = get(h.half_table, 'Data');
HalfAfter = get(h.half_table, 'UserData');
[T,N] = size(Peaks);
% If there's no time series provided, we improvise....
if length(Time) ~= T
Time = 1:T;
% Pull out the peaks and the valleys....
[PeakLocation,PeakIndex] = find(Peaks);
[HalfBeforeLocation,~] = find(HalfBefore);
[HalfAfterLocation,~] = find(HalfAfter);
NumPeaks = length(PeakLocation);
% Now we put together the first sheet of data about the individual
% peaks....
PeakData = zeros(NumPeaks,7);
PeakLabels ={'Series', 'Peak Number', 'Time', 'Height', 'Rise Time (half max to max)', 'Decay Time (max to half max)', 'FWHM'};
BigCount = 1;
for ii=1:N
for jj = 1:sum(PeakIndex==ii)
PeakData(BigCount,1) = ii;
PeakData(BigCount,2) = jj;
PeakData(BigCount,3) = Time(PeakLocation(BigCount));
PeakData(BigCount,4) = Observations(PeakLocation(BigCount),PeakIndex(BigCount))./SmoothedObservations(PeakLocation(BigCount),PeakIndex(BigCount)) - 1;
PeakData(BigCount,5) = Time(PeakLocation(BigCount))-Time(HalfBeforeLocation(BigCount));
PeakData(BigCount,6) = Time(HalfAfterLocation(BigCount))-Time(PeakLocation(BigCount));
PeakData(BigCount,7) = Time(HalfAfterLocation(BigCount))-Time(HalfBeforeLocation(BigCount));
BigCount = BigCount+1;
% A second sheet collects data about the series (or ROIs)....
SeriesData = zeros(N,8);
SeriesLabels ={'Series', 'Number of Events', 'Mean Height', 'Mean Rise Time', 'Mean Decay Time', 'Mean FWHM', 'Mean InterEvent Interval', 'Mean Frequency'};
for ii = 1:N
SeriesData(ii,1) = ii;
Indices = find(PeakIndex==ii);
SeriesData(ii,2) = length(Indices);
if ~isempty(Indices)
SeriesData(ii,3) = mean(PeakData(Indices,4));
SeriesData(ii,4) = mean(PeakData(Indices,5));
SeriesData(ii,5) = mean(PeakData(Indices,6));
SeriesData(ii,6) = mean(PeakData(Indices,7));
if length(Indices) > 1
SeriesData(ii,7) = mean(PeakData(Indices(2:end),3)-PeakData(Indices(1:end-1),3));
SeriesData(ii,8) = 1/mean(PeakData(Indices(2:end),3)-PeakData(Indices(1:end-1),3));
% A third sheet brings it ALL together....
SummaryData = zeros(1,8);
SummaryLabels ={'Mean Number of Signal Events', 'Standard Deviation of the Number of Signal Events', 'Mean Height (all)', 'Mean Rise Time (all)', 'Mean Decay Time (all)', 'Mean FWHM (all)', 'Mean InterEvent Interval (all)', 'Mean Frequency (all)'};
SummaryData(1) = mean(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(2) = std(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(3) = SeriesData(:,2)'*SeriesData(:,3)/sum(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(4) = SeriesData(:,2)'*SeriesData(:,4)/sum(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(5) = SeriesData(:,2)'*SeriesData(:,5)/sum(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(6) = SeriesData(:,2)'*SeriesData(:,6)/sum(SeriesData(:,2));
SummaryData(7) = max(SeriesData(:,2)'-1,0)*SeriesData(:,7)/sum(max(SeriesData(:,2)'-1,0));
SummaryData(8) = 1/SummaryData(7);
% Now delete the file if it already exists....
if exist([FilePath FileName],'file')
delete([FilePath FileName])
% % And write a new one!!
writetable([FilePath FileName],[PeakLabels;num2cell(PeakData)],1)
writetable([FilePath FileName],[SeriesLabels;num2cell(SeriesData)],2)
writetable([FilePath FileName],[SummaryLabels;num2cell(SummaryData)],3)
% xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[PeakLabels;num2cell(PeakData)],1)
% xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[SeriesLabels;num2cell(SeriesData)],2)
% xlsxwrite([FilePath FileName],[SummaryLabels;num2cell(SummaryData)],3)
fprintf(1, 'Error.\n');
warndlg(['Existing file ' [FilePath FileName] ' may be open. Please close the file and try again.'], 'Predictors Not Saved')
Stephen23 le 27 Déc 2022
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 27 Déc 2022
The WRITETABLE documentation clearly shows that its first input must be a table, and its second input is the filename. You have swapped them around, which will not work.
Your code does not seem to use tables, so WRITETABLE is unlikely to be useful for you anyway. Most likely you need WRITEMATRIX or WRITECELL.
Also replace [FilePath FileName] with FULLFILE(..)

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Plus de réponses (1)

Jaideep Cherakka Kesavan
Jaideep Cherakka Kesavan le 26 Déc 2022
I could get the values that I am interested in by using:
C = ([SeriesLabels;num2cell(SeriesData)]);
or by using
P = [SeriesLabels;num2cell(SeriesData)];
save P.mat
Thank you for your suggestions.





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