Directorry for Saving Settings from App Designer
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I have an application written for Appdesigner. I want to be able to save user settings when they exit, and reload the next time they restart. I would like the saved data to be stored in the same directory as the app. Since the app directory is in the search path, the user can be starting the app from anywhere. How do I determine the home directory so the settings are saved and loaded from the proper location?
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Eric Delgado
le 3 Mar 2023
Modifié(e) : Eric Delgado
le 3 Mar 2023
Just create a property named "RootFolder" and put the lines below in the startup of your app.
The property app.RootFolder will keep the name of the root folder of your app no matter it's a standalone version (deployed), a development version (project), or an installed version ("APPS" tab of Matlab).
appName = 'TheNameOfYourApp';
Flag = 1;
if isdeployed
[~, result] = system('path');
app.RootFolder = char(regexpi(result, 'Path=(.*?);', 'tokens', 'once'));
if ~isfile(fullfile(app.RootFolder, sprintf('%s.exe', appName)))
Flag = 0;
prjPath = matlab.project.rootProject;
appPath = fullfile(char(com.mathworks.appmanagement.MlappinstallUtil.getAppInstallationFolder), appName);
if ~isempty(prjPath) & strcmp(prjPath.Name, appName)
app.RootFolder = char(prjPath.RootFolder);
elseif isfolder(appPath)
app.RootFolder = appPath;
Flag = 0;
if Flag
% Call others functions...
% Error message...
And then you can read your config file easily (don't forget to call it using fullfile!). For example:
app.MyConfigInfo = jsondecode(fileread(fullfile(app.RootFolder, 'Settings', 'MyConfigInfo.json')));
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En savoir plus sur Startup and Shutdown dans Help Center et File Exchange
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