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What is the difference between these two reading table file funciton?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Md Jonayet
Md Jonayet le 28 Fév 2023
Commenté : Voss le 28 Fév 2023
EPL = readtable("EPLresults.csv")
another one is =
EPL = readtable("EPLresults.csv","TextType","string")
what this TextType and string are doing here?
  3 commentaires
Md Jonayet
Md Jonayet le 28 Fév 2023
what is the importance of this function? and thank you for your reply.

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Réponses (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 28 Fév 2023
If you have a particular variable (column) that contains some text, then do you want the text to be represented as a cell array of character vectors (the default) or do you want the text to be represented as a column vector of string() objects ('TextType', 'string') ? There are advantages and disadvantages to either choice.


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