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symsum does not work with symprod

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Adam Golinski
Adam Golinski le 1 Mar 2023
Commenté : Adam Golinski le 3 Mar 2023
I'm trying to avaluate the following:
syms j k
double(symsum((-symprod((j+0.3-1)/(j), j, 1,k))^2, k, 2, Inf))
It returns: -0.0806, which is nonsensical, since this is a sum of squared numbers.
When I evaluate the same in Wolfram Alpha using "sum( (product (j+0.3-1)/j, j=1..k)^2, k, 2, infinity)", I get 0.226456, which seems to be correct, since Matlab seems to converge to this number up to k=100000 (and then it crushes). How can I make it work? Thanks.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 1 Mar 2023
syms j k
double(symsum((-symprod((j+0.3-1)/(j), j, 1,k))^2, k, 2, Inf))
ans = 0.2265
So it works in current releases.
I am checking back to see if I can figure out when it was fixed.
  3 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 1 Mar 2023
Works in R2018b.
It appears that R2018a is the last release that has this problem.
It is a problem with the symsum() part, by the way; it is returning a hypergeom() minus a constant when it should be returning an expression in gamma() minus that same constant.
Adam Golinski
Adam Golinski le 3 Mar 2023
Walter, many thanks for your help. I've installed a new version and it works now indeed. Best wishes!

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