Matching Values from one Table to Another

7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jana Sarran
Jana Sarran le 27 Mar 2023
Commenté : Joe Vinciguerra le 28 Mar 2023
Hi everyone,
Is there a way from me to match the numbers in two dataset and extract the values in the row?
For instance,
This is my first table:
This is my second table:
What is would like to do---> I would like to search for my second table values in the first table, specifically under "FirstVID" and "SecondVID". Once I have a match of these values, I would like the numbers on "FirstVID" or "SecondVID" to be replaced by the string "AV".
Is this posssible?
Thank you.

Réponse acceptée

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 27 Mar 2023
FirstVID = NewTab (:,["FirstVID"])
FirstVID = NewTab {:,["FirstVID"]};

Plus de réponses (1)

Joe Vinciguerra
Joe Vinciguerra le 27 Mar 2023
Veh = [2007; 1265; 1266; 1269];
FirstVID = [1881; 1269; 2007];
SecondVID = [1892; 2188; 1266];
T = table(FirstVID, SecondVID);
% find data common to each table
[~, ~, ib1] = intersect(Veh, T.FirstVID);
[~, ~, ib2] = intersect(Veh, T.SecondVID);
% Convert to cell since you want mixed data types
T.FirstVID = num2cell(T.FirstVID);
T.SecondVID = num2cell(T.SecondVID);
% using the indexing found above, replace with "AV"
T.FirstVID(ib1) = {'AV'};
T.SecondVID(ib2) = {'AV'};
FirstVID SecondVID ________ _________ {[1881]} {[1892]} {'AV' } {[2188]} {'AV' } {'AV' }
Alternately, you could avoid converting to cells and simply repalce the indexed values with NaN, unless having it read "AV" is necessary.
  2 commentaires
Jana Sarran
Jana Sarran le 27 Mar 2023
Thank you for the help.
I tried using this code but I am getting an error message.
Please see the attached pdf document for the message.
It says that there is an error using Tabular/Intersect
Joe Vinciguerra
Joe Vinciguerra le 28 Mar 2023
Glad you were able to resolve your error in the other thread. Please accept my answer.

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