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Matlab 'borders' function not working. How to plot world map?

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Josefine Olsson
Josefine Olsson le 5 Mai 2023
Commenté : Stephen23 le 9 Mai 2023
I am trying to use an old code with the borders function to plot countries with different facecolors, but borders does not seem to work anymore. I have tried with and without the Mapping Toolbox, and I have tried the bordersm function as well.
I have tried using worldmap but cannot figure out how to plot country borders with it. Does anyone know?

Réponse acceptée

Stephen23 le 5 Mai 2023
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 5 Mai 2023
BORDERS is not inbuilt, it is a third-party function. You can download it here:
  2 commentaires
Josefine Olsson
Josefine Olsson le 8 Mai 2023
Fantastic, thank you so much!
Stephen23 le 9 Mai 2023
@Josefine Olsson: if my answer helped please remember to click the "Accept this Answer" button.

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