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error in line1and 4

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
firas le 11 Mai 2023
Commenté : Torsten le 11 Mai 2023
Calculate the response function using the equation of motion:
omega_n = sqrt(k / m); % natural frequency
zeta = c / (2 * sqrt(m * k)); % damping ratio
omega_n = omega_n * sqrt(1 - zeta^2); % damped natural frequency
Calculate the response function using the equation of motion:
omega_n = sqrt(k / m); % natural frequency
zeta = c / (2 * sqrt(m * k)); % damping ratio
omega_d = omega_n * sqrt(1 - zeta^2); % damped natural frequency
plot(t, X);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Displacement (m)');
title('Response of Mass-Spring-Damper System');
grid on;

Réponses (1)

Chunru le 11 Mai 2023
Those are comments which shoud start with %
% Calculate the response function using the equation of motion:
omega_n = sqrt(k / m); % natural frequency
Unrecognized function or variable 'k'.
zeta = c / (2 * sqrt(m * k)); % damping ratio
omega_n = omega_n * sqrt(1 - zeta^2); % damped natural frequency
% Calculate the response function using the equation of motion:
omega_n = sqrt(k / m); % natural frequency
zeta = c / (2 * sqrt(m * k)); % damping ratio
omega_d = omega_n * sqrt(1 - zeta^2); % damped natural frequency
plot(t, X);
xlabel('Time (s)');
ylabel('Displacement (m)');
title('Response of Mass-Spring-Damper System');
grid on;
  2 commentaires
firas le 11 Mai 2023
it says vakue assigned to variable might be unsured (omega_n);
omega_n = omega_n * sqrt(1 - zeta^2); % damped natural frequency
Torsten le 11 Mai 2023
It means that you defined a variable, but you didn't use this variable in the sequel. Thus deleting the line where you defined the variable would not change anything in the results from the code - usually an indicator that you made a mistake.

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