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How to assign a particular value to each element of a structure array for a particular field?

15 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Lets say I have a structure array (S) with n elements and with a field (f). I know I can use function "deal" to assign the same value to all elements of S.f, e.g. [S.f] = deal(zero) will assign zero to all the n elements of S.f
However, what I am looking for is to assign a particular value to each element of S.f; e.g. is there a way to assign each element of r=rand(1,n) to the corresponding element in S.f, i.e. S(i).f = r(i)?

Réponse acceptée

Mohammad Abouali
Mohammad Abouali le 5 Avr 2015
Modifié(e) : Mohammad Abouali le 5 Avr 2015
%initilizing some test structure
% generate r vector
% now dealing r to s.f

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