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How to convert AnsiChar (char8_t) into HEX?

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Radoslaw Puchalski
Radoslaw Puchalski le 22 Mai 2023
Hello. I save raw sensor data to an SD card. When I open such a file, for example, in the HxD program, I get a preview of the data in HEX, Int8, UInt8 and other formats. Can I do the same directly in MATLAB (R2015a)? How can I convert AnsiChar (char8_t) data into other data types? For example, I would like to convert the data string "ę˙°ţiţ{ý" into the EA FF B0 FE 69 FE 7B FD form.
  1 commentaire
John D'Errico
John D'Errico le 23 Mai 2023
@Radoslaw Puchalski - please don't use flags to make a comment. Flags are there for moderation purposes.

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Réponses (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 22 Mai 2023
It isn't completely clear what you want
datastring = "ę˙°ţiţ{ý"
datastring = "ę˙°ţiţ{ý"
fprintf('%02x ', typecast(swapbytes(uint16(char(datastring))),'uint8'))
01 19 02 d9 00 b0 01 63 00 69 01 63 00 7b 00 fd
The above is in "big endian" order, which is not the internal order for any currently supported architecture. Big-endian as in the 01 19 is to be interpreted as 0x01 * 256 + 0x19 rather than as 0x01 + 0x19 * 256
ans = 8×4 char array
'0119' '02D9' '00B0' '0163' '0069' '0163' '007B' '00FD'
But maybe you want utf-8 bytes?
fprintf('%02x ', unicode2native(datastring, 'utf8'))
c4 99 cb 99 c2 b0 c5 a3 69 c5 a3 7b c3 bd
  4 commentaires
Radoslaw Puchalski
Radoslaw Puchalski le 23 Mai 2023
Wow, nice job. Thank you very much. I'll check this and let you know, but it looks very well.
Radoslaw Puchalski
Radoslaw Puchalski le 23 Mai 2023
Modifié(e) : Radoslaw Puchalski le 23 Mai 2023
Your solution helped me a lot. I am currently loading data from a csv file this way:
filename = 'E:\file.csv';
delimiter = '';
formatSpec = '%s%[^\n\r]';
fileID = fopen(filename,'r');
dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'ReturnOnError', false);
Raw_from_csv = dataArray{:, 1};
Raw_uni = [Raw_from_csv{:}];
Uint8_from_raw = unicode2native(Raw_uni, 'windows1250');
Int16_from_raw = typecast(Uint8_from_raw, 'int16');
This works well, however there is a problem. I have 32768 data in file.csv, but Raw_uni only contains 32746, so 22 are missing.
Raw_from_csv, on the other hand, has a dimension of 23x1 cell. I don't know why there are so many lines. I would expect more like 1x1 cell. That is, these 22 missing characters divide the file.csv into 23 lines in MATLAB.
There seems to be a problem where I have two NULL characters next to each other.
Do you have any ideas on how to solve this problem?
Maybe I should change delimeter or formatSpec?

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Radoslaw Puchalski
Radoslaw Puchalski le 23 Mai 2023
Modifié(e) : Radoslaw Puchalski le 23 Mai 2023
I checked with another file and have a similar problem. Maybe someone could check the example file and see what can be done with these "virtual" newline characters?
The attached file has 32768 characters corresponding to 16384 values of type int16, while my code generates 16373 values.
According to me, this is caused by double NULL characters, which are treated as newline characters and omitted from the conversion.
How can I deal with this problem?
I am attaching my code again:
filename = 'E:\file.csv';
delimiter = '';
formatSpec = '%s%[^\n\r]';
fileID = fopen(filename,'r');
dataArray = textscan(fileID, formatSpec, 'Delimiter', delimiter, 'ReturnOnError', false);
Raw_from_csv = dataArray{:, 1};
Raw_uni = [Raw_from_csv{:}];
Uint8_from_raw = unicode2native(Raw_uni, 'windows1250');
Int16_from_raw = typecast(Uint8_from_raw, 'int16');
I have also attached a slice of the plot of the Int16_from_raw variable. It should be a pure sine wave, but strange (very large) values also appear.
  4 commentaires
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 23 Mai 2023
You can improve slightly:
filename = 'E:\file.csv';
fileID = fopen(filename,'r');
Data_int16 = fread(fileID, '*int16');
Radoslaw Puchalski
Radoslaw Puchalski le 24 Mai 2023
Thanks a lot

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