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How can I choose an element from a vector according to its probability ?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
omar th
omar th le 24 Mai 2023
Commenté : Steven Lord le 25 Mai 2023
I want to select an angle according to the probability. I executed the code below its show me the only FIRST option (only 10 even when I change the probability value its show me the same option). Thank in advance for any help
t=0.1;Ang_1 = [10 20 30 45 80];% this vector of options
for i:1:1
prob = (exp((1/t)*1.2*10^-5))./(exp((1/t)*1.2*10^-4)) % this is probability could be changable each eteration
select = Ang_1(find(rand<cumsum(prob),1)) % select angle according to "prob"

Réponse acceptée

Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 24 Mai 2023
t=0.1;Ang_1 = [10 20 30 45 80];% this vector of options
Since your for loop had invalid syntax and you don't use what I suspect you intended to be the loop variable (i) inside the loop I commented it out.
%for i:1:1
prob = (exp((1/t)*1.2*10^-5))./(exp((1/t)*1.2*10^-4)) % this is probability could be changable each eteration
prob = 0.9989
select = Ang_1(find(rand<cumsum(prob),1)) % select angle according to "prob"
select = 10
Since prob is a scalar, cumsum(prob) is just prob itself. So that find call will return either 1 or [] depending on whether rand generated a number less than prob or not.
If you had a vector of probabilities, like this which uses the value in Ang_1 as the relative frequency of the value:
probabilities = [0 cumsum(Ang_1)./sum(Ang_1)]
probabilities = 1×6
0 0.0541 0.1622 0.3243 0.5676 1.0000
then you could use discretize to generate your list.
x = rand(10, 1);
values = discretize(x, probabilities, Ang_1);
Another way to generate these values is as categories.
categories = discretize(x, probabilities, 'categorical');
Let's summarize the results in a table.
results = table(x, values, categories)
results = 10×3 table
x values categories _______ ______ ___________________ 0.66418 80 [0.56757, 1] 0.33411 45 [0.32432, 0.56757) 0.22314 30 [0.16216, 0.32432) 0.76124 80 [0.56757, 1] 0.33686 45 [0.32432, 0.56757) 0.90657 80 [0.56757, 1] 0.13988 20 [0.054054, 0.16216) 0.49154 45 [0.32432, 0.56757) 0.51494 45 [0.32432, 0.56757) 0.83691 80 [0.56757, 1]
  2 commentaires
omar th
omar th le 24 Mai 2023
@Steven Lord First Thanks for your response. Actually that prop is scalar due to measured via the mentioned equation BUT its changing in each iteration of for loop. Now I want choose ONLY one of these options according to prob in each iteration of for loop ?? Thanks for your
for j=1:100
for i=1:1
% here the prob is changable in each iteration
Steven Lord
Steven Lord le 25 Mai 2023
Build your equivalent of the probabilities vector I used in my example in the loop. Once you've done that you can discretize after the loop.

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