Why do I get this Error using . "Array indices must be positive integers or logical values."

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
This is my code:
%extract files that have '21' in them
files = dir("*21*");
S = struct;
t1 = tiledlayout('flow');
for k = 1:length(files)
T_name = ['Exp_' + string(files(k).name)];
S.(T_name) = readtable(files(k).name);
plot(S.(T_name).Time_s_, S.(T_name).AI0HPF_V_)
title(strrep(T_name, '_', ' '));
axis([-inf, inf, -1.5, 1.5]);
clear T_name
t1.Padding = 'compact';
t1.TileSpacing = 'compact';
T_qemg = table;
T_qemg.lb_0 = NaN(5,1);
T_qemg.lb_5 = NaN(5,1);
T_qemg.lb_10 = NaN(5,1);
T_qemg.lb_15 = NaN(5,1);
T_qemg.lb_20 = NaN(5,1);
names2 = fieldnames(S);
for b = 1:numel(names2)
REMG = S.(string(names2(b))).AI0HPF_V_;
rec_EMG = abs(REMG(3000:5000));
RMS = sqrt(movmean(rec_EMG.^2,200));
%S.(string(names2(b))).RMS = RMS;
QEMG = mean(RMS);
%variance = var(REMG(2000:4000));
%QEMG = mean(variance);
parts = strsplit(string(names2(b)),'_');
weight = str2double(parts(3));
row = str2double(parts(4));
if parts(3) == "0"
elseif parts(3) == "5"
elseif parts(3) == "10"
elseif parts(3) == "15"
elseif parts(3) == "20"
fprintf("data error in file names")
clear REMG variance QEMG parts row weight
p= plot(table2array(T_qemg)','o');
And this is the error message I can't seem to get past:
Error using .
Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.
Error in tutorialplots (line 72)
The first section of code runs fine, it's only second section I'm struggling with. "T_name" is of the form "Exp_21_5_e" so "parts" is a 1x4 string.

Réponses (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 29 Oct 2023
The code splits apart the name at '_" characters, so for the name "Exp_21_5_e" parts(1) would be "Exp", parts(2) would be "21", parts(3) would be "5" and parts(4) would be 'e'
It then does a str2double(parts(4)) would attempts to convert the string 'e' to a number. The result of that is going to be NaN.
It then tries to use that NaN as a row index.
You should be check isnan(Row) and if so do something appropriate.


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