FITLM Create linear regression model by fitting to data.
LM = FITLM(TBL,MODELSPEC) fits the model specified by MODELSPEC to
variables in the table/dataset array TBL, and returns the linear model LM.
MODELSPEC can be any of the following:
'linear' Linear (main effect) terms only.
'interactions' Linear and pairwise interaction terms.
'purequadratic' Linear and squared terms.
'quadratic' Linear, pairwise interactions, and squares.
'polyIJK...' Polynomial with all terms up to power I for the
first predictor, J for the second, K for the
third, and so on.
FORMULA a string such as 'y ~ x1 + x2 + x3*x4' defining
the response and the predictor terms. A formula
string always has the response variable name,
followed by '~', followed by one or more terms
joined by '+' or '-'. The following are the
rules for constructing a formula:
A + B term A and term B
A - B term A but without term B
A:B the product of A and B
A*B A + B + A:B
A^2 A + A:A
() grouping of terms
TERMS A T-by-V matrix where T is the desired number
of terms in the model and V is the number of
variables in TBL. The (I,J) element indicates
the power of variable J in term I.
The following are some examples of FORMULA term expressions when the
predictors are x1, x2, and x3:
'x1+x2+x3' Linear model including constant
'x1+x2+x3-1' Linear model without constant
'x1^2+x2^2' Constant, linear, squared terms
'x1*x2*x3-x1:x2:x3' All except the three-way interaction
'x1*(x2+x3)' Linear, plus two-way interactions with x1
The following are some examples of TERMS matrix rows when the table/dataset
TBL consists of predictors x1, x2, and x3, followed by response y:
[0 0 0 0] represents a constant term or intercept
[0 1 0 0] represents x2
[1 0 1 0] represents the product x1:x3
[2 0 0 0] represents x1:x1
[0 1 2 0] represents x2:x3:x3
LM = FITLM(X,Y) fits a linear regression model using the column vector
Y as a response variable and the columns of the matrix X as predictor
variables, and returns the linear model LM.
LM = FITLM(X,Y,MODELSPEC) fits the model specified by MODELSPEC. If
MODELSPEC is a formula, it should specify the response as y and the
predictors as x1,x2,.... The default is 'linear'.
LM = FITLM(...,PARAM1,VAL1,PARAM2,VAL2,...) specifies one or more of
the following name/value pairs:
'Weights' Vector of N non-negative weights, where N is the
number of rows in TBL or Y. Default is ones(N,1).
'VarNames' String/cell array of names for the columns in X.
Default is {'x1','x2',...} to use for the predictors
and 'y' for the response.Not allowed when fitting
to a table/dataset.
'CategoricalVars' Vector of integer or logical indices specifying
the variables in TBL or the columns in X that
should be treated as categorical when they are
used as predictors. Default is to treat TBL
variables as categorical if they are categorical,
logical, or char arrays, or cell arrays of
'Exclude' Vector of integer or logical indices into the
rows of TBL, or X and Y, that should be excluded
from the fit. Default is to use all rows.
'Intercept' true (default) to include a constant term in the
model, or false to omit it.
'PredictorVars' A specification of the variables to use as
predictors, either as a string/cell array of variable
names, or a vector of integer or logical indices
into the variables in TBL or the columns in X.
'ResponseVar' The response variable, specified either as a
variable name or number.
'RobustOpts' 'off' (default) to perform least squares, 'on' to
perform robust regression using the bisquare
weighting function, or a structure.
When the 'RobustOpts' value is a structure, it must have a
'RobustWgtFun' field and may have a 'Tune' field. The value of the
'RobustWgtFun' field can be any of 'andrews', 'bisquare', 'cauchy',
'fair', 'huber', 'logistic', 'talwar', or 'welsch', or it can be a
function that takes a residual vector as input and produces a weight
vector as output. The value of the 'Tune' field is a tuning constant.
The residuals are scaled by the tuning constant (default depends on
weighting function and is 1 for a function handle) and by an
estimate of the error standard deviation before the weight function is
called. 'RobustWgtFun' can be specified using @ (as in @myfun).
% Fit to data in matrices
load hald
lm = fitlm(ingredients,heat)
% Fit to data in a dataset
load carsmall
d = dataset(MPG,Weight);
d.Year = ordinal(Model_Year);
lm = fitlm(d,'MPG ~ Year + Weight + Weight^2')
% Fit to data in a table
load carsmall
d = table(MPG,Weight);
d.Year = ordinal(Model_Year);
lm = fitlm(d,'MPG ~ Year + Weight + Weight^2')
See also LinearModel, STEPWISELM.
Documentation for fitlm
doc fitlm
Other uses of fitlm
gpuArray/fitlm tall/fitlm