How to simulate code in symbolic form?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Aman le 19 Juin 2024
Commenté : Aquatris le 19 Juin 2024
o2 = [0, 0, 0]; % Origin for ain
ain = [26, 0, 0]; % Initial vector for ain
input_axis = [0, 1, 0]; % Axis of rotation for ain (y-axis)
theta1 = deg2rad(10); % Angle of rotation for ain in radians
% Rotation matrix function
rot_matrix = @(axis, theta) cos(theta) * eye(3) + ...
sin(theta) * [0, -axis(3), axis(2); axis(3), 0, -axis(1); -axis(2), axis(1), 0] + ...
(1 - cos(theta)) * (axis' * axis);
% Compute the rotated vector for ain
a_rotated = rot_matrix(input_axis, theta1) * (ain' - o2') + o2';
a_final = a_rotated';
cin=[122.95, -20, 0];
c_rotated= rot_matrix(input_axis, theta1) * (cin' - o2') + o2';
syms phi;
bin = [29.5, 30, 0];
o4 = [13.5, 30, 0]; % Origin for bin
output_axis = [0, 1, 0]; % Axis of rotation for bin (y-axis)
theta2 = deg2rad(10); % Angle of rotation for bin in radians
% Compute the rotated vector for bin
b1_rotated = rot_matrix(output_axis, theta2) * (bin' - o4') + o4';
b1_final = b1_rotated';
coupler = c_final_rotated'-b1_final;
coupler = subs(coupler, conj(phi), phi);
syms t;
cos_phi = (1 - t^2) / (1 + t^2);
sin_phi = 2 * t / (1 + t^2);
% Substitute parametric forms into coupler components
coupler_parametric = subs(coupler, [cos(phi), sin(phi)], [cos_phi, sin_phi]);
% Display the parametric coupler
disp('Parametric form of coupler:');
syms targetvalue % it might be 3.5 ...
normsq = expand(sum(coupler_parametric.^2) - targetvalue^2);
normpoly = simplify(normsq*(t^2+1)^2);
tsolve = solve(normpoly,t,'maxdegree',4,'returnconditions',true);
h=vpa(subs(tsolve.t,targetvalue, 106));
real_solutions = h(imag(h) == 0);
disp('Real roots:');
angles_rad = 2 * atan(real_solutions);
angles_deg = rad2deg(angles_rad);
% Display angles in degrees
disp('Angles in degrees before adjustment:');
c1_position = double(rot_matrix(naxis,phi) * (c_rotated - a_rotated) + a_rotated);
%%I want to run this code for symbolic variables including o2,ain,o4,bin,input_axis,output_axis,naxis,theta1,theta2.
can someone tell how can i do all above calculations in symbolic form

Réponses (1)

Aquatris le 19 Juin 2024
Modifié(e) : Aquatris le 19 Juin 2024
Here is one way, though it cannot solve it at one point I think so throws an error when asked to display the solution
% assume real to prevent complicating things
syms o2 ain input_axis bin o4 output_axis [1 3] real
syms theta1 theta2 real
% Rotation matrix function
rot_matrix = @(axis, theta) cos(theta) * eye(3) + ...
sin(theta) * [0, -axis(3), axis(2); axis(3), 0, -axis(1); -axis(2), axis(1), 0] + ...
(1 - cos(theta)) * (axis' * axis);
% Compute the rotated vector for ain
a_rotated = rot_matrix(input_axis, theta1) * (ain' - o2') + o2';
a_final = a_rotated';
cin=[122.95, -20, 0];
c_rotated= rot_matrix(input_axis, theta1) * (cin' - o2') + o2';
syms phi;
% Compute the rotated vector for bin
b1_rotated = rot_matrix(output_axis, theta2) * (bin' - o4') + o4';
b1_final = b1_rotated';
coupler = c_final_rotated'-b1_final;
coupler = subs(coupler, conj(phi), phi);
syms t;
cos_phi = (1 - t^2) / (1 + t^2);
sin_phi = 2 * t / (1 + t^2);
% Substitute parametric forms into coupler components
coupler_parametric = subs(coupler, [cos(phi), sin(phi)], [cos_phi, sin_phi]);
% Display the parametric coupler
disp('Parametric form of coupler:');
Parametric form of coupler:
syms targetvalue % it might be 3.5 ...
normsq = expand(sum(coupler_parametric.^2) - targetvalue^2);
normpoly = simplify(normsq*(t^2+1)^2);
tsolve = solve(normpoly,t,'maxdegree',4,'returnconditions',true);
h=vpa(subs(tsolve.t,targetvalue, 106));
real_solutions = h(imag(h) == 0);
disp('Real roots:');
Real roots:
angles_rad = 2 * atan(real_solutions);
angles_deg = rad2deg(angles_rad);
% Display angles in degrees
disp('Angles in degrees before adjustment:');
Angles in degrees before adjustment:
Index exceeds the number of array elements. Index must not exceed 0.

Error in indexing (line 962)
R_tilde = builtin('subsref',L_tilde,Idx);
c1_position = double(rot_matrix(naxis,phi) * (c_rotated - a_rotated) + a_rotated);
  2 commentaires
Aman le 19 Juin 2024
@Aquatris Thank you very much sir, if i give these symbolic variables a numerical value after "disp(coupler_parametric);" ,then can i get solution?
Please Take these values to substitute in symbolic variables
o2 = [0, 0, 0]; % Origin for ain
ain = [26, 0, 0]; % Initial vector for ain
input_axis = [0, 1, 0]; % Axis of rotation for ain (y-axis)
bin = [29.5, 30, 0];
o4 = [13.5, 30, 0]; % Origin for bin
output_axis = [0, 1, 0]; % Axis of rotation for bin (y-axis)
Aquatris le 19 Juin 2024
It depends on a couple of things, one of which is if there exist a solution. you can plugin values using subs() function and try.

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