How to compare between simulink setting file?

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
dayoung le 27 Juin 2024
Réponse apportée : Tejas le 14 Août 2024
How to compare between simulink setting file
visdiff command is not what i wanted..
  1 commentaire
Angelo Yeo
Angelo Yeo le 27 Juin 2024
What do you mean by "visdiff is not what I wanted"?
What is your pain point on visdiff? Or what do you actually want?

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Réponses (1)

Tejas le 14 Août 2024
Hello Dayoung,
Here is a workaround to compare Simulink setting files without using the visdiff function. It is assumed that your Simulink files produce a Simulink.ConfigSet object, which contains configurations for the Simulink models. Below is an example to demonstrate how two such Simulink.ConfigSet objects can be compared:
  • Convert the Simulink.ConfigSet object into a structure.
structure1 = getConfigSetAsStruct(configSet1);
structure2 = getConfigSetAsStruct(configSet2);
function settingsStruct = getConfigSetAsStruct(configSet)
% Get the names of configuration
paramNames = get_param(configSet, 'ObjectParameters');
% Create a structure
settingsStruct = struct();
% Loop through each configuration and add it to the structure
for paramName = fieldnames(paramNames)'
paramNameStr = paramName{1};
paramValue = get_param(configSet, paramNameStr);
settingsStruct.(paramNameStr) = paramValue;
  • Create a structure named ‘differences’ to store any differences found between the settings files.
differences = struct();
  • Check for configurations that are only present in either of the setting files.
% Get the names of configuration from both the structures
fields1 = fieldnames(structure1);
fields2 = fieldnames(structure2);
% Check for fields that are only in first structure
onlyIn1 = setdiff(fields1, fields2);
if ~isempty(onlyIn1)
differences.onlyIn1 = onlyIn1;
% Check for fields that are only in second structure
onlyIn2 = setdiff(fields2, fields1);
if ~isempty(onlyIn2)
differences.onlyIn2 = onlyIn2;
  • Check for configurations that are present in both files but have different values.
% Check for fields that are common, but differ in values
commonFields = intersect(fields1, fields2);
for i = 1:length(commonFields)
field = commonFields{i};
if ~isequal(structure1.(field), structure2.(field))
differences.(field) = struct('settings1', structure1.(field), 'settings2', structure2.(field));
  • In the end, the ‘differences’ structure will store the discrepancies found in the two Simulink setting files.
Refer to the documentation below for a better understanding of the solution:


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