Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

My code is compiling and numerical values of all variables are appearing in command window .problem is that .wav file is not audible.i have applied simple filter still no change except values in command window.following is the code

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
PathOriginal = fullfile('C:\Users\Documents\MATLAB', 'AUD-20150716-WA0032.wav');
[y, Fs, n] = wavread(PathOriginal);
a=[1 -0.1];
what command should i use to hear the sound before and after applying filter??
[EDITED, Jan, Code formatted]
  1 commentaire
Jan le 22 Juil 2015
I do not see any connection to the tags "Matlab compiler" or "differential equations". Please use tags, which helps to identify the nature of the question.

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Jan le 22 Juil 2015
PathOriginal = fullfile('C:\Users\Documents\MATLAB', 'AUD-20150716-WA0032.wav');
[y, Fs, n] = wavread(PathOriginal);
% a=0.1; Useless, omit this line!
a=[1 -0.1];
% ??? x(n) = y(n)-0.1*y(n-1);
yFiltered = filter(b,a,y);
audioplayer(y, FS);
audioplayer(yFiltered, FS);

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