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NVIDIA GTS250 problem

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
bikekowal Marcin Kowalski
bikekowal Marcin Kowalski le 12 Déc 2011
I have a PC equipped with NVIDIA GeForce GTS250 and Matlab 2011A. Problem is that I cannot use a parallel computing toolbox because of following error:
The device selected (device 1, "GeForce GTS 250") does not have sufficient compute capability to be used. Compute capability 1.3 (or greater) is required, the selected device has compute capability 1.1.
Is there any solution? I have latest drivers installed. regards, Marcin

Réponse acceptée

Jill Reese
Jill Reese le 12 Déc 2011
Hi Marcin. Unfortunately, there is no workaround other than to use a GPU with compute capability 1.3 or higher, as the error message states.
The compute capability restriction is in place for a number of reasons. First, compute capability 1.3 cards were the first to offer double precision support, which is the default precision in MATLAB. Furthermore, starting with compute capability 1.3, NVIDIA GPUs offer greater single precision arithmetic accuracy and IEEE compliance for all computations.

Plus de réponses (2)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 12 Déc 2011
There is no way to use Mathwork's GPU computing on that device.
Accelereyes makes a MATLAB add-on product named Jacket that does GPU computing, which is able to run on CUDA 1.1, if I recall properly.

bikekowal Marcin Kowalski
bikekowal Marcin Kowalski le 12 Déc 2011
Ok thank you for your replies. So I need to find another GPU...
regards, Marcin


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