implay won't run
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I'm running R2015a on Windows 8.1 . When I try to run implay (from the image processing toolbox) it crashes right away. The error is:
>> implay
Warning: Tools:Image Navigation Tools failed to instantiate
> In extmgr.ExtensionDb/add>local_failExtensionMsg (line 177)
In extmgr.ExtensionDb/add (line 119)
In extmgr.Driver/process (line 28)
In extmgr.Driver/processAll (line 36)
In extmgr.Driver/init (line 94)
In extmgr.Driver (line 25)
In uiscopes.Framework/initializeExtensionSystem (line 19)
In uiscopes.Framework (line 110)
In uiscopes/new (line 25)
In implay (line 60)
Warning: Error occurred while executing callback:
Error using iptcheckhandle (line 54)
Function IPTPOINTERMANAGER expected its first input argument, figHandle, to be a valid handle to a single graphics object.
Error in iptPointerManager (line 48)
iptcheckhandle(figHandle, {'figure'}, mfilename, 'figHandle', 1);
Error in iptscopes.IPTPanZoom/disable (line 27)
iptPointerManager(hFig, 'disable');
Error in extmgr.AbstractExtension/disableExtension (line 12)
Error in extmgr.ExtensionDb/remove>local_remove (line 41)
disableExtension(hExtension, varargin{:});
Error in extmgr.ExtensionDb/remove (line 29)
local_remove(hExtension, varargin{:});
Error in extmgr.Driver/process (line 42)
remove(this.ExtensionDb, hRegister, varargin{:});
Error in extmgr.Driver/init/@(hConfigDb,ev)process(this,ev.Data)
Error in childEnableChanged (line 11)
notify( this, 'ConfigEnableChanged', extmgr.DataEventData( hConfig ) );
Error in childChanged>@(~,ev)childEnableChanged(this,ev.AffectedObject) (line 8)
this.EnableListener = event.proplistener( hChild, hChild( 1 ).findprop( 'Enable' ), 'PostSet', @(~,ev) childEnableChanged( this,
ev.AffectedObject ) );
Error in extmgr.ExtensionDb/add (line 136)
hConfig.Enable = false;
Error in extmgr.Driver/process (line 28)
add(this.ExtensionDb, hRegister, hConfig, varargin{:});
Error in extmgr.Driver/processAll (line 36)
process(this, hEnabled(indx), false);
Error in extmgr.Driver/init (line 94)
Error in extmgr.Driver (line 25)
Error in uiscopes.Framework/initializeExtensionSystem (line 19)
this.ExtDriver = extmgr.Driver(this, 'scopext.m', ...
Error in uiscopes.Framework (line 110)
Error in uiscopes/new (line 25)
hScope = uiscopes.Framework(hScopeCfg, varargin{:});
Error in implay (line 60)
obj =;
> In childEnableChanged (line 11)
In childChanged>@(~,ev)childEnableChanged(this,ev.AffectedObject) (line 8)
In extmgr.ExtensionDb/add (line 136)
In extmgr.Driver/process (line 28)
In extmgr.Driver/processAll (line 36)
In extmgr.Driver/init (line 94)
In extmgr.Driver (line 25)
In uiscopes.Framework/initializeExtensionSystem (line 19)
In uiscopes.Framework (line 110)
In uiscopes/new (line 25)
In implay (line 60)
Undefined variable "images" or class "images.internal.getImWidth".
Error in imscrollpanel>validateImageDims (line 1329)
imageWidth = images.internal.getImWidth(hIm);
Error in imscrollpanel (line 234)
[imageWidth,imageHeight] = validateImageDims(hIm);
Error in scopeextensions.VideoVisual/setup (line 54)
this.ScrollPanel = imscrollpanel(get(this.Axes, 'Parent'), this.Image);
Error in uiscopes.AbstractVisual/enable>makeRenderedCallback/@(hApp,~)setup(this,getVisualizationParent(hApp))
Warning: Error occurred while evaluating listener callback.
> In uiscopes.Framework/notifyRendered (line 11)
In uiscopes.Framework (line 124)
In uiscopes/new (line 25)
In implay (line 60)
Undefined variable "images" or class "images.internal.isFigureAvailable".
Error in iptscopes.IPTPanZoom/enableGUI (line 46)
if images.internal.isFigureAvailable()
Error in uiscopes.AbstractTool/initTool>enableGUIHandler (line 20)
Error in uiscopes.AbstractTool/initTool>@(hScope,ev)enableGUIHandler(this,ev) (line 10)
@(hScope, ev) enableGUIHandler(this, ev));
Warning: Error occurred while evaluating listener callback.
> In uiscopes.Framework/finalizeConstruction (line 15)
In uiscopes.Framework (line 136)
In uiscopes/new (line 25)
In implay (line 60)
Any suggestions? Thanks. Greg Reese
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Réponses (2)
Tim Jackman
le 18 Sep 2015
These error messages in there make me think it could be an issue where a variable or function in your path is shadowing one of the built-in functions need to start implay.
Try these at the command line:
>> rehash toolboxcache
>> restoredefaultpath
If implay now works, then something is shadowing a built-in function in your path. I'm not sure this is the issue, but it is at the very least a place to start.
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