Effacer les filtres
Effacer les filtres

Error usind cd and fullfile

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
NoNo le 24 Sep 2015
Commenté : Titus Edelhofer le 25 Sep 2015
I want to go to a certain folder by using cd and fullfile to have the path. But I have an error when I do my third line of code (below) telling: Error using cd Argument must contain a string. Could you help me please ?? I really don't understand my mistake since fullfile('E:\Dropbox (LMD)\Noémie\SpO2 Project\AltiTrainer\', Foldernames(i)) for i=1 gives me the right path !
Foldernames = cellstr(char('John', 'Peter', 'Jack')
for i= 1: length(Foldernames)
cd(fullfile('E:\Dropbox (LMD)\Noémie\SpO2 Project\AltiTrainer\', Foldernames(i)))
Filenames(i) = dir('*_modif.csv');
A = readcsv(Filenames(i));
Thank you very much for wour answer !

Réponse acceptée

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer le 24 Sep 2015
since Foldernames is a cell array you need to use {} for access to elements. Replace
cd(fullfile('E:\Dropbox (LMD)\Noémie\SpO2 Project\AltiTrainer\', Foldernames(i)))
cd(fullfile('E:\Dropbox (LMD)\Noémie\SpO2 Project\AltiTrainer\', Foldernames{i}))
Foldernames{i} is a string, Foldernames(i) is a 1x1 cell array. And fullfile wants to receive a string, not a 1x1 cell ...
  3 commentaires
NoNo le 24 Sep 2015
Thank you very much !! and yes, I simplified the Fordernames ;)
Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer le 25 Sep 2015
Your welcome. You might mark the question then as answered, if you like.

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