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How do we implement ORB feature detector in matlab?

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Emmanuel le 17 Oct 2015
Commenté : Qu Cao le 15 Avr 2019
I want to implement ORB for feature matching between a set of images
  2 commentaires
Anam Manzoor
Anam Manzoor le 21 Fév 2017
i want to implement BRISK for feature matching between a set of images how can i do this in matlab
IRINA TOLSTOVA le 13 Fév 2018
Please, answer the question

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Réponses (1)

Dima Lisin
Dima Lisin le 19 Oct 2015
The extractFeatures function in the Computer Vision System Toolbox provides SURF, BRISK, and FREAK descriptors, however, it does not do ORB. If you absolutely require ORB, you can use the OpenCV Interface support package to write a mex wrapper around the OpenCV implementation of ORB.

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