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Use the Simbiology diagram feature in a graphical interface

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Martin Andersson
Martin Andersson le 17 Nov 2015
Commenté : Jeremy Huard le 4 Mai 2020
Hi Hi I am using SimBiology a lot and think that it is a great module, I use the diagram feature to build my models. I would like to create a graphical user interface there you can use the diagram feature (ad species, reaction and compartments) in the gui, is this possible?

Réponse acceptée

Arthur Goldsipe
Arthur Goldsipe le 18 Nov 2015
Hi Martin,
I'm happy to hear that you find SimBiology useful. (I'm one of the developers on the team.)
But to answer your question, no, there's currently no way for you to include any components of the SimBiology Desktop in your own graphical user interface.
  3 commentaires
Martin Andersson
Martin Andersson le 29 Avr 2020
Hi Goldsipe,
Is there any update or changes on my previously question. Or any way I can easely plot a graphical viwe of a flowshart in my own grathical user interface?
Kind regards,
Jeremy Huard
Jeremy Huard le 4 Mai 2020
Hi Martin,
This hasn't changed. As Arthur mentioned, there is no way for you to embed the graphical model building functionality in your app.
However, if you do not want to dynamically create a model in your app but rather display the diagram of a model you have previously built in SimBiology, you could do the following:
  1. build your model in SimBiology
  2. Export the graphics as SVG by clicking on 'Export' in the 'Model view' tab. See here.
  3. Use uiimage component in your app to display the SVG image.
Remark: uiimage will not be available in GUIDE. As Sietse recommended you in another post, App Designer is the recommended tool now to build apps.

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