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"Error using connector.​ensureServ​iceOn" when clicking "Get Add-Ons"

11 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Esther le 30 Nov 2015
Asking this question in case anyone else has faced the same problem / has found a solution.
Release: R2015b 64 bit, Windows.
When clicking on "Get Add-Ons", this error message pops up on the command window:
Error using connector.ensureServiceOn
Error starting MATLAB Connector. Please check that port 31515 is available.
com.mathworks.jmi.MatlabException: Error starting MATLAB Connector. Please check that port 31515 is available.
at com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab.SendMatlabMessage(Native Method)
at com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab.sendMatlabMessage(NativeMatlab.java:266)
at com.mathworks.jmi.MatlabLooper.sendMatlabMessage(MatlabLooper.java:120)
at com.mathworks.jmi.Matlab.mtFevalConsoleOutput(Matlab.java:1778)
at com.mathworks.jmi.MatlabWorker.feval(MatlabWorker.java:195)
at com.mathworks.jmi.MatlabWorker.feval(MatlabWorker.java:172)
at com.mathworks.addons.ConnectorFactory$1.runOnMatlabThread(ConnectorFactory.java:37)
at com.mathworks.jmi.MatlabWorker$2.run(MatlabWorker.java:79)
at com.mathworks.jmi.NativeMatlab.dispatchMTRequests(NativeMatlab.java:475)
What I've tried:
  • Allowed R2015b.exe in the Firewall for inbound and outbound connections.
  • Allowed TCP port 31515 in the Firewall for inbound and outbound connections.
Still no luck.

Réponse acceptée

Dave Behera
Dave Behera le 4 Déc 2015
The issue is related to the network configuration. One possible workaround is forcing JVM to use IPv4 over IPv6 by setting the java.net.preferIPv4Stack config. The following discussion page provides some relevant discussion:
To work around this issue create a new System Variable named JAVA_TOOL_OPTION, with the value -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true
  3 commentaires
Dominik Melcher
Dominik Melcher le 14 Sep 2016
I solved the problem by deleting the MATLAB_JAVA path in my system variables.
naveen kumar
naveen kumar le 8 Juil 2018
I deleted the MATLAB_JAVA variable.Yet no luck.

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Plus de réponses (2)

AFTAB ALAM ANSARI le 22 Nov 2017
Don't go for rubbish like "it's because of JAVA". This happens when MATLAB is blocked by some firewall that is blocking MATLAB from connecting to Internet. MATLAB uses Internet during Stimulation. Just exclude it from firewall and there you go. There will be no error.
  2 commentaires
Eric Zhai
Eric Zhai le 22 Jan 2019
This answer really helps me. After I exclude MATLAB from the firewall in the computer, the error never come up.
Johanna Nandar
Johanna Nandar le 25 Juin 2020
Hi, how you do this

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Hicham Belh
Hicham Belh le 16 Déc 2018
i got this error by click on getaddon:
Version: Matlab 2018a
Error using connector.internal.doEnsureServiceOn
Error in Connector: Did not start the server. Desired port was: 31515. Last error
was: Server did not respond to initial request:
Error in connector.ensureServiceOn
Warning: Issue starting Connector. Please check that port 31415 is available. Did not
start the server. Desired port was: 31515. Last error was: Server did not respond to
initial request:
thx for any help
  1 commentaire
I too get the same error when opening model configuration parameters

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