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Building a jar file in Matlab

8 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Ali le 24 Jan 2012
I'm wondering if there is a way in Matlab to automate process of creating a Jar file from a Matlab binary.
Thanks in advance for your answer, A
  2 commentaires
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind le 24 Jan 2012
Could you please explain what you mean by "MATLAB binary"? Did you mean a regular MATLAB (.m) file?
Ali le 25 Jan 2012
No, I meant a Windows Standalone Application (.exe) from the (.m) file.

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Réponses (3)

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer le 25 Jan 2012
Hi Ali,
just to make sure: you have an .exe compiled from MATLAB file and want to create a jar file from it? That's not possible. In Java you can call the .exe as an external process though.
To create a jar file in the sense of Builder JA (for Java) you will need to have the source code (.m file).

Ali le 25 Jan 2012
Hi Titus,
Thank you for your answer. Lets say I have a (.m) file and I would like to create a executable (.exe) for Windows platform and abinary for linux platforms. I was thinking the jar file in Matlab is a bytecode which can be run as an executable in Linux platforms which dont have support for Matlab source code.
Lets say I have the .m file, then is there a way to automate creating the .exe file for the external applications?
  1 commentaire
Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer le 25 Jan 2012
O.K., I understand. Then I guess the following is possible: you might write a simple .java file which contains only a few lines running the MATLAB code compiled into the jar file. Take any example from the doc for Builder JA ("Sample Java Applications").
This is not automatically done for you by MATLAB but should be not too difficult. Compile this .java file and you can run it on your Linux box.

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KSSV le 25 Jan 2012
Hi Check the following link: It may be helpful.
  1 commentaire
Ali le 25 Jan 2012
Hi Sreenu,
As far as I know, Builder JA just creates a jar file to provide an API for external Java applications.
I would like to create a binary (executable file) from a (.m) for a Linux platform.

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