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how to split blob from blob analysis to many blobs

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
bay rem
bay rem le 28 Fév 2016
Modifié(e) : bay rem le 28 Fév 2016
while im working to detect motion in video, i used blobAnalysis to draw a blob for each moving object:
blobAnalysis = vision.BlobAnalysis('BoundingBoxOutputPort', true, ...
'AreaOutputPort', false, 'CentroidOutputPort', false, ...
'MinimumBlobArea', 150,'MaximumCount',1);
bbox = step(blobAnalysis, BinaryImage);
i want to cut each bbox in 4 rectangular blob any idea please
  2 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 28 Fév 2016
Modifié(e) : Image Analyst le 28 Fév 2016
What does "decouper" mean? Also, you know that to divide a bounding box into 4 parts, you can compute the mean x and mean y (x and y are the edges of the box) and split it along those lines, right?
bay rem
bay rem le 28 Fév 2016
Modifié(e) : bay rem le 28 Fév 2016
Sorry i wrote it in french way, i mean to split the blob and obtain multi blobs

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