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How to Read/Write file in Xpc Traget without matlab (stand alone mode) ?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Castile Xaio
Castile Xaio le 9 Juil 2016
Réponse apportée : Jon Lobo le 30 Août 2016
Hi, right now i 'm running stand alone program on Target machine. Use "File Scope" logging signal data which save as .dat format. The question is I need matlab call function like "SimulinkRealTime.utils.getFileScopeData " so i can read data, then i have to call function "SimulinkRealTime.utils.bytes2file" turn data to another format which "Real-Time From File" can deal with.
So. is there any way to solve this problem without matlab ? Thanks.

Réponse acceptée

Jon Lobo
Jon Lobo le 30 Août 2016
Yes. With Simulink Real-Time there are a set of external APIs so you can interact with the target externally ( see doc ).

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