Find minimum value in every nth rows
1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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David du Preez
le 20 Juil 2016
Réponse apportée : Andrei Bobrov
le 20 Juil 2016
I have a cell array( see attachment) of 2209x6. The data is hourly and I want to find the smallest value in column 4(SZA) for everyday. Then create a new array with that row and all the columns.
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Andrei Bobrov
le 20 Juil 2016
a = CP15OND_SZA(2:end,4);
a(cellfun(@isempty,a)) = {nan};
a = [a{:}]';
[aout,ii]= min(reshape(a,24,[]));
C = CP15OND_SZA(2:end,:);
out = C(ii+(0:24:numel(a)-1),:);
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