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How to make a global map

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Naoki Ishibashi
Naoki Ishibashi le 27 Sep 2016
Commenté : Naoki Ishibashi le 12 Oct 2016
I have 4 types data sets, Daily global maps of Earth’s surface temperature and near-surface air temperature, precipitable water and cloud water path for the whole year 2004. Map covers whole globe at 2.5 degree intervals = 72 x 144 array. How can I make a global map?

Réponses (2)

KSSV le 27 Sep 2016
You may have a look on this:

Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney le 28 Sep 2016
If you have the Mapping Toolbox, geoshow with worldmap is usually good for a first pass:
data = rand(72,144);
rv = [0.4 90 0];
geoshow(data, rv, 'displaytype', 'texturemap');
C = load('coast');
plotm(C.lat, C.long, 'k');
Note that here I'm georeferencing using a reference vector, rv, which defines your grid resolution (0.4 cells/degree) and corner (upper left corner at 90N, 0E).
Alternatively, if you want more control over the projection, plotting details, etc., look into axesm, pcolorm, surfm, etc.
  5 commentaires
Kelly Kearney
Kelly Kearney le 10 Oct 2016
The plotting parts of the code would stay the same; the only difference would be the data that you pass to the plotting functions (i.e. the x variable in the examples above).
Naoki Ishibashi
Naoki Ishibashi le 12 Oct 2016
Thank you so much. I can do.

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