How to skip (iteration) empty folders and empty text files
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I have main folder, and many sub-folders. Inside each sub-folders, there are many sub-folders(sub-sub-folders). The sub-sub-folders contain many files(mainly text). I want to only read text files. But unfortunately some sub-folders are empty or some sub-sub-folders contain other files (non-text files). So, I wish the following:
1. Skip if the sub-folder is empty
2. Skip if the text file is empty
My meaning: skip means skip the iteration. I am reading the text files as following:
by each sub-folder and by each sub-sub-folders (the text files)
Please some one help me how to do this.
Many many thanks in advance,
Réponse acceptée
le 26 Oct 2016
%Get list of all files in current directory and beneath
[~,list] = system('dir /S *.txt');
result = textscan(list, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
fileList = result{1};
%Remove empty lines
fileList(cellfun(@isempty,fileList)) = [];
%Get full paths of .txt files with size > 0
filesDir = [];
for i = 3:length(fileList)-3
strData = strsplit(fileList{i});
%Get directory name
if (strcmp(strData{1}, 'Directory'))
currDir = strData{3};
elseif (strcmp(strData{2}, 'File(s)'))
%Do nothing
%Save names of files with size > 0
elseif ~(strcmp(strData{3}, '0'))
filesDir = [filesDir; currDir strData{4}];
4 commentaires
le 27 Oct 2016
Modifié(e) : Mostafa
le 27 Oct 2016
Jan: Yes, it is. However calling Matlab dir function outputs data in the command window - which can be accessed using a diary file and formatted, but it's an overhead in my opinion. But most importantly it doesn't get the size of the files, so I must get all the files, open them individually, check if they're empty or not to determine if they have data. In my approach I didn't open any file and parsed the data from system dir itself, which I believe is better.
In any case, Matlab Profiler can be used to determine which approach is better. I was only concerned with figuring out a feasible solution (which took 0.065662 seconds using tic-toc, so quasi sufficient). Cheers.
[EDIT: I didn't know there was a recursion function for dir till I saw your solution, so I've only considered dir * * /*.txt in my answer.]
le 27 Oct 2016
Mekala: I'm sorry I can't understand your question? the result of the written code is the variable filesDir which contains the full paths of all files in the directory which have size > 0, which in this case are:
filesDir =
System dir already skips the empty subfolders, and I created a small check to skip empty files in order to create this list. You can do whatever you want using filesDir variable, parse the data, print a list, whatever you want.
Plus de réponses (1)
le 26 Oct 2016
Modifié(e) : Jan
le 26 Oct 2016
USe one of the many recursive dir commands from the FileExchange:, e.g.
FileList = dirrec(MainFolder, '*.txt');
for k = 1:numel(FileList)
FileInfo = dir(FileList{k});
if FileInfo.bytes > 0
... import the data ...
Some of the recursive dir versions reply a struc like Matlab's dir(), then:
DirList = <the_dir_replacement>(MainFolder, '*.txt');
DirList = DirList([DirList.bytes] ~= 0);
for k = 1:numel(FileList)
FileName = DirList(k).name;
... import the data...
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