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how does AWGN and 16qam mod demod m file code look like ?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
ruzaimah le 14 Mar 2011
here i attach my progress work to create m file.but a few i dont know how to complete this. i want to perform a constellation diagram for 16qam modulation http://www.mediafire.com/?36t505ivp5tdcsl
tq for any one who can help me..

Réponses (1)

jessica david
jessica david le 19 Mar 2011
M = 16; % Size of alphabet x = randint(1000,1,M); % Random signal
y = qammod(x,M);
X=awgn(y,10);%add Gaussian noise
%scatterplot(X);%plot constellation diagram


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