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obtain cluster label on data

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Jay Hanuman
Jay Hanuman le 5 Déc 2016
I am reading ieee paper and in that k mean clustering is applied on ip address which is n*4 in size. I applied k mean clustering on data in matlab with 3 clusters and obtain cluster centers. In paper they mentioned that for each unique ip address p , they obtain cluster label k(p). so how to obtain cluster label for ip address.
I attached ip address data file and paper. in paper it is mentioned in 2nd page which I highlighted in yellow color.

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Massimo Zanetti
Massimo Zanetti le 5 Déc 2016
If you applied kmeans function like this:
idx = kmeans(X,k)
then idx is the vector containing the labels.

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