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How to analyze area of flow in liquid with a 2D image?

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Christine Nee
Christine Nee le 12 Jan 2017
Commenté : Image Analyst le 14 Jan 2017
Hi all. I have written from some tutorials and help pages an image analysis tool which takes a picture and converts it to black and white 8 bit, then thresholds, then selects out groups of flow, then outlines and THEN calculates an area for the ebb that the flow has produced.
I am curious as to how to accurately get my program to outline and group the flow?
Below is the code. You can just replace the image and see what I am talking about. For a more complicated 2D picture representing flow, the outline is inaccurate. Attached is the picture for the code. Thanks
%This program takes the threshold of the picture and then takes the
%brighter is then converted into area
clc; % Clear command window.
clearvars; % Get rid of variables from prior run of this m-file.
fprintf('Loading Flowdemo.m...\n'); % Message sent to command window.
workspace; % Make sure the workspace panel with all the variables is showing.
imtool close all; % Close all imtool figures.
format long g;
format compact;
captionFontSize = 14;
% Check that user has the Image Processing Toolbox installed.
hasIPT = license('test', 'image_toolbox');
if ~hasIPT
% User does not have the toolbox installed.
message = sprintf('Please install image toolbox');
reply = questdlg(message, 'Toolbox missing', 'Yes', 'No', 'Yes');
if strcmpi(reply, 'No')
% User said No, so exit.
FileName = 'IMG_4087-793289.JPG';
originalImage = imread(FileName);
% Checks for grayscale images
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(originalImage);
if numberOfColorChannels > 1
promptMessage = sprintf('Your image file has %d color channels.\nThis demo was designed for grayscale images.\nDo you want me to convert it to grayscale for you so you can continue?', numberOfColorChannels);
button = questdlg(promptMessage, 'Continue', 'Convert and Continue', 'Cancel', 'Convert and Continue');
if strcmp(button, 'Cancel')
fprintf(1, 'Finished running micellesDemo.m.\n');
% Converts color --> gray
originalImage = rgb2gray(originalImage);
% Display the grayscale image of the original image in a full window
subplot(3, 3, 1);
set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
%Displays a histogram of the colors.
[pixelCount, grayLevels] = imhist(originalImage);
subplot(3, 3, 2);
title('Histogram of original image', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
xlim([0 grayLevels(end)]); % Scale x axis manually.
grid on;
%Establishing a Threshold. Black and white
thresholdValue = 100;
binaryImage = originalImage > thresholdValue; % Bright objects will be chosen if you use >.
% Do a "hole fill" to get rid of any background pixels or "holes" inside the micelles.
binaryImage = imfill(binaryImage, 'holes');
% Show the threshold as a vertical red bar on the histogram.
hold on;
maxYValue = ylim;
line([thresholdValue, thresholdValue], maxYValue, 'Color', 'r');
% Place a text label on the bar chart showing the threshold.
annotationText = sprintf('Thresholded at %d gray levels', thresholdValue);
% For text(), the x and y need to be of the data class "double" so let's cast both to double.
text(double(thresholdValue + 5), double(0.5 * maxYValue(2)), annotationText, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 .5 0]);
text(double(thresholdValue - 70), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Background', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
text(double(thresholdValue + 50), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Foreground', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
% Display the binary image.
subplot(3, 3, 3);
title('Image converted into Binary after thresholding', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
% Identifies the conglomerate of micells
labeledImage = bwlabel(binaryImage, 8);
subplot(3, 3, 4);
imshow(labeledImage, []); % Show the gray scale image.
title('Micelle groups', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
micellMeasurements = regionprops(labeledImage, originalImage, 'all');
numberOfmicell = size(micellMeasurements, 1);
% bwboundaries() returns a cell array, where each cell contains the row/column coordinates for an object in the image.
% Plot the borders of all the micelles on the original grayscale image using the coordinates returned by bwboundaries.
subplot(3, 3, 6);
title('Outlines, from bwboundaries()', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
axis image; % Make sure image is not artificially stretched because of screen's aspect ratio.
hold on;
boundaries = bwboundaries(binaryImage);
numberOfBoundaries = size(boundaries, 1);
for k = 1 : numberOfBoundaries
thisBoundary = boundaries{k};
plot(thisBoundary(:,2), thisBoundary(:,1), 'g', 'LineWidth', 2);
hold off;
textFontSize = 14; % Used to control size of "micelle number" labels put atop the image.
labelShiftX = -7; % Used to align the labels in the centers of the coins.
micelleECD = zeros(1, numberOfmicell);
% Print header line in the command window.
fprintf(1,'micelle # Mean Intensity Area Perimeter Centroid Diameter\n');
% Loop over all micelles printing their measurements to the command window.
for k = 1 : numberOfmicell % Loop through all micelles.
% Find the mean of each micelle. (R2008a has a better way where you can pass the original image
% directly into regionprops. The way below works for all versions including earlier versions.)
thismicellesPixels = micellMeasurements(k).PixelIdxList; % Get list of pixels in current micelle.
meanGL = mean(originalImage(thismicellesPixels)); % Find mean intensity (in original image!)
meanGL2008a = micellMeasurements(k).MeanIntensity; % Mean again, but only for version >= R2008a
micelleArea = micellMeasurements(k).Area; % Get area.
micellePerimeter = micellMeasurements(k).Perimeter; % Get perimeter.
micelleCentroid = micellMeasurements(k).Centroid; % Get centroid one at a time
micelleECD(k) = sqrt(4 * micelleArea / pi); % Compute ECD - Equivalent Circular Diameter.
fprintf(1,'#%2d %17.1f %11.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f % 8.1f\n', k, meanGL, micelleArea, micellePerimeter, micelleCentroid, micelleECD(k));
% Put the "micelle number" labels on the "boundaries" grayscale image.
text(micelleCentroid(1) + labelShiftX, micelleCentroid(2), num2str(k), 'FontSize', textFontSize, 'FontWeight', 'Bold');
  2 commentaires
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 12 Jan 2017
Modifié(e) : Image Analyst le 12 Jan 2017
We can't read it. Read this: http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/13205#answer_18099 or just attach it with the paper clip icon.
John BG
John BG le 12 Jan 2017
Modifié(e) : John BG le 12 Jan 2017
we can read it but can't guess the image. Please supply the image:
format long g;
format compact; captionFontSize = 14;
FileName = 'IMG_4087-793289.JPG'; originalImage = imread(FileName);
% Checks for grayscale images
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(originalImage);
if numberOfColorChannels > 1 promptMessage = sprintf('Your image file has %d color channels.\nThis demo was designed for grayscale images.\nDo you want me to convert it to grayscale for you so you can continue?', numberOfColorChannels); button = questdlg(promptMessage, 'Continue', 'Convert and Continue', 'Cancel', 'Convert and Continue');
if strcmp(button, 'Cancel') fprintf(1, 'Finished running micellesDemo.m.\n'); return;
originalImage = rgb2gray(originalImage);
subplot(3, 3, 1);
imshow(originalImage); set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
[pixelCount, grayLevels] = imhist(originalImage);
subplot(3, 3, 2); bar(pixelCount);
title('Histogram of original image', 'FontSize', captionFontSize); xlim([0 grayLevels(end)]);
grid on;
thresholdValue = 100; binaryImage = originalImage > thresholdValue;
binaryImage = imfill(binaryImage, 'holes');
% Show the threshold as a vertical red bar on the histogram. hold on;
maxYValue = ylim; line([thresholdValue, thresholdValue], maxYValue, 'Color', 'r');
annotationText = sprintf('Thresholded at %d gray levels', thresholdValue);
text(double(thresholdValue + 5), double(0.5 * maxYValue(2)), annotationText, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 .5 0]); text(double(thresholdValue - 70), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Background', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]); text(double(thresholdValue + 50), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Foreground', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
imshow(binaryImage); title('Image converted into Binary after thresholding', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
labeledImage = bwlabel(binaryImage, 8); subplot(3, 3, 4); imshow(labeledImage, []);
title('Micelle groups', 'FontSize', captionFontSize); micellMeasurements = regionprops(labeledImage, originalImage, 'all'); numberOfmicell = size(micellMeasurements, 1);
subplot(3, 3, 6); imshow(originalImage);
title('Outlines, from bwboundaries()', 'FontSize', captionFontSize); axis image;
hold on; boundaries = bwboundaries(binaryImage); numberOfBoundaries = size(boundaries, 1); for k = 1 : numberOfBoundaries thisBoundary = boundaries{k}; plot(thisBoundary(:,2), thisBoundary(:,1), 'g', 'LineWidth', 2); end hold off;
textFontSize = 14; % Used to control size of "micelle number" labels put atop the image. labelShiftX = -7;
micelleECD = zeros(1, numberOfmicell);
fprintf(1,'micelle # Mean Intensity Area Perimeter Centroid Diameter\n');
for k = 1 : numberOfmicell
thismicellesPixels = micellMeasurements(k).PixelIdxList;
meanGL = mean(originalImage(thismicellesPixels));
meanGL2008a = micellMeasurements(k).MeanIntensity;
micelleArea = micellMeasurements(k).Area;
micellePerimeter = micellMeasurements(k).Perimeter;
micelleCentroid = micellMeasurements(k).Centroid;
micelleECD(k) = sqrt(4 * micelleArea / pi);
fprintf(1,'#%2d %17.1f %11.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f % 8.1f\n', k, meanGL, micelleArea, micellePerimeter, micelleCentroid, micelleECD(k));
text(micelleCentroid(1) + labelShiftX, micelleCentroid(2), num2str(k), 'FontSize', textFontSize, 'FontWeight', 'Bold'); end

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Réponse acceptée

John BG
John BG le 12 Jan 2017
Modifié(e) : John BG le 12 Jan 2017
you only plot 4 images, yet in the command subplot your are telling it to make room for 6 images, let me explain:
1. command subplot(a,b,c) has 3 fields
2. a and b define the a rows b columns that you want the outline to size
so, because you are saying a=3 b=3, command subplot is sizing 9 spaces
field c is the position of the image reading the columns left to right, sequentially.
For 3x3 c would follow this order, start reading top left corner downwards
1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9
your code with modified subplot indices, and this image:
format long g;
format compact; captionFontSize = 14;
FileName = 'dirty_water.jpg'; originalImage = imread(FileName);
% Checks for grayscale images
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(originalImage);
if numberOfColorChannels > 1 promptMessage = sprintf('Your image file has %d color channels.\nThis demo was designed for grayscale images.\nDo you want me to convert it to grayscale for you so you can continue?', numberOfColorChannels); button = questdlg(promptMessage, 'Continue', 'Convert and Continue', 'Cancel', 'Convert and Continue');
if strcmp(button, 'Cancel') fprintf(1, 'Finished running micellesDemo.m.\n'); return;
originalImage = rgb2gray(originalImage);
subplot(2, 2, 1);
imshow(originalImage); set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
[pixelCount, grayLevels] = imhist(originalImage);
subplot(2, 2, 2); bar(pixelCount);
title('Histogram of original image', 'FontSize', captionFontSize); xlim([0 grayLevels(end)]);
grid on;
thresholdValue = 100; binaryImage = originalImage > thresholdValue;
binaryImage = imfill(binaryImage, 'holes');
% Show the threshold as a vertical red bar on the histogram. hold on;
maxYValue = ylim; line([thresholdValue, thresholdValue], maxYValue, 'Color', 'r');
annotationText = sprintf('Thresholded at %d gray levels', thresholdValue);
text(double(thresholdValue + 5), double(0.5 * maxYValue(2)), annotationText, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 .5 0]); text(double(thresholdValue - 70), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Background', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]); text(double(thresholdValue + 50), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Foreground', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
imshow(binaryImage); title('Image converted into Binary after thresholding', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
labeledImage = bwlabel(binaryImage, 8); subplot(2, 2, 3); imshow(labeledImage, []);
title('Micelle groups', 'FontSize', captionFontSize); micellMeasurements = regionprops(labeledImage, originalImage, 'all'); numberOfmicell = size(micellMeasurements, 1);
subplot(2, 2, 4); imshow(originalImage);
title('Outlines, from bwboundaries()', 'FontSize', captionFontSize); axis image;
hold on; boundaries = bwboundaries(binaryImage); numberOfBoundaries = size(boundaries, 1); for k = 1 : numberOfBoundaries thisBoundary = boundaries{k}; plot(thisBoundary(:,2), thisBoundary(:,1), 'g', 'LineWidth', 2); end; hold off;
textFontSize = 14; % Used to control size of "micelle number" labels put atop the image.
labelShiftX = -7;
micelleECD = zeros(1, numberOfmicell);
fprintf(1,'micelle # Mean Intensity Area Perimeter Centroid Diameter\n');
for k = 1 : numberOfmicell
thismicellesPixels = micellMeasurements(k).PixelIdxList;
meanGL = mean(originalImage(thismicellesPixels));
meanGL2008a = micellMeasurements(k).MeanIntensity;
micelleArea = micellMeasurements(k).Area;
micellePerimeter = micellMeasurements(k).Perimeter;
micelleCentroid = micellMeasurements(k).Centroid;
micelleECD(k) = sqrt(4 * micelleArea / pi);
fprintf(1,'#%2d %17.1f %11.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f % 8.1f\n', k, meanGL, micelleArea, micellePerimeter, micelleCentroid, micelleECD(k));
% text(micelleCentroid(1) + labelShiftX, micelleCentroid(2), num2str(k), 'FontSize', textFontSize, 'FontWeight', 'Bold');
text(micelleCentroid(1) + labelShiftX, micelleCentroid(2), num2str(k), 'FontSize', textFontSize, 'FontWeight', 'Bold');
if you find my answer useful would you please mark it as Accepted Answer by clicking on the ACCEPT ANSWER button?
thanks in advance for time and attention
John BG
  7 commentaires
John BG
John BG le 14 Jan 2017
Regarding your second question, when using 4 separate figures, one can appreciate the grey shading you mention.
The function subplot may be useful to have a quick look, but with the thorough image analysis you perform, I recommend you split the images into 4 different figures. Then you can resize them and details like the grey shading missed in the decimated subplot is clearly present in figure 3:
I have already replaced all subplots with figure(i), just run the following:
format long g;
format compact; captionFontSize = 14;
FileName = 'dirty_water.jpg'; originalImage = imread(FileName);
% Checks for grayscale images
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(originalImage);
if numberOfColorChannels > 1 promptMessage = sprintf('Your image file has %d color channels.\nThis demo was designed for grayscale images.\nDo you want me to convert it to grayscale for you so you can continue?', numberOfColorChannels); button = questdlg(promptMessage, 'Continue', 'Convert and Continue', 'Cancel', 'Convert and Continue');
if strcmp(button, 'Cancel') fprintf(1, 'Finished running micellesDemo.m.\n'); return;
originalImage = rgb2gray(originalImage);
% subplot(2, 2, 1);
imshow(originalImage); set(gcf, 'units','normalized','outerposition',[0 0 1 1]);
[pixelCount, grayLevels] = imhist(originalImage);
% subplot(2, 2, 2);
title('Histogram of original image', 'FontSize', captionFontSize); xlim([0 grayLevels(end)]); grid on;
thresholdValue = 100; binaryImage = originalImage > thresholdValue;
binaryImage = imfill(binaryImage, 'holes');
maxYValue = ylim; line([thresholdValue, thresholdValue], maxYValue, 'Color', 'r'); % Show the threshold as a vertical red bar on the histogram. hold on;
annotationText = sprintf('Thresholded at %d gray levels', thresholdValue);
text(double(thresholdValue + 5), double(0.5 * maxYValue(2)), annotationText, 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 .5 0]); text(double(thresholdValue - 70), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Background', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]); text(double(thresholdValue + 50), double(0.94 * maxYValue(2)), 'Foreground', 'FontSize', 10, 'Color', [0 0 .5]);
imshow(binaryImage); title('Image converted into Binary after thresholding', 'FontSize', captionFontSize);
labeledImage = bwlabel(binaryImage, 8);
% subplot(2, 2, 3);
imshow(labeledImage, []);
title('Micelle groups', 'FontSize', captionFontSize); micellMeasurements = regionprops(labeledImage, originalImage, 'all'); numberOfmicell = size(micellMeasurements, 1);
% subplot(2, 2, 4);
title('Outlines, from bwboundaries()', 'FontSize', captionFontSize); axis image; hold on;
boundaries = bwboundaries(binaryImage); numberOfBoundaries = size(boundaries, 1); for k = 1 : numberOfBoundaries thisBoundary = boundaries{k}; plot(thisBoundary(:,2), thisBoundary(:,1), 'g', 'LineWidth', 2); end; hold off;
textFontSize = 14; % Used to control size of "micelle number" labels put atop the image.
labelShiftX = -7;
micelleECD = zeros(1, numberOfmicell);
fprintf(1,'micelle # Mean Intensity Area Perimeter Centroid Diameter\n');
for k = 1 : numberOfmicell
thismicellesPixels = micellMeasurements(k).PixelIdxList;
meanGL = mean(originalImage(thismicellesPixels));
meanGL2008a = micellMeasurements(k).MeanIntensity;
micelleArea = micellMeasurements(k).Area;
micellePerimeter = micellMeasurements(k).Perimeter;
micelleCentroid = micellMeasurements(k).Centroid;
micelleECD(k) = sqrt(4 * micelleArea / pi);
fprintf(1,'#%2d %17.1f %11.1f %8.1f %8.1f %8.1f % 8.1f\n', k, meanGL, micelleArea, micellePerimeter, micelleCentroid, micelleECD(k));
text(micelleCentroid(1) + labelShiftX, micelleCentroid(2), num2str(k), 'FontSize', textFontSize, 'FontWeight', 'Bold');
Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 14 Jan 2017
What is this image? It look like foam on a sea. If so, is the original image in color? If so you might have better luck doing color segmentation than using a gray scale version of the image. If it's a color image, post it and I'll show you the 3D color gamut.

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