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how to process *.emg data in matlab?

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Emilio Perez
Emilio Perez le 7 Juin 2017
i want to process *.emg data in matlab, to plot and analyse them. the *.emg file is acquired from an pocket emg by bmt bioengineering.
  1 commentaire
KSSV le 7 Juin 2017
You should attach one file or give information about the file.

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Réponses (1)

Christoph F.
Christoph F. le 7 Juin 2017
Get the description of the file format (it sounds highly proprietary) from the manual of the device, or from the manufacturer of the device.
With this information, decide on a way to import the data into Matlab. If it is binary data, read it as binary and parse it; it is plain text/csv, MatLABs import functionality might work on it.


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