writing ods file in linux

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Manh Nguyen
Manh Nguyen le 4 Juil 2017
Commenté : José-Luis le 4 Juil 2017
I am trying to write a .ods file in Linux using the function myxlswrite in the link https://au.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/28411-read-and-write-open-document-format--odf--spreadsheet---ods-
my code is [status msg] = myxlswrite('test.ods',1,1,'A1'); % write number 1 in sheet 1 in cell A1 it doesn't show any mistake, but the test.ods doesn't appear.
Anyone can help me? thanks
  1 commentaire
José-Luis le 4 Juil 2017
You could save as csv first and then load that into open office.

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