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How to 3D plot data points in matlab?

10 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sarah Weatherly
Sarah Weatherly le 17 Juil 2017
Commenté : Sarah Weatherly le 18 Juil 2017
I have three lists of data listed in the workspace in tables that are 8000x1 that will be x, y, and z for the plot I want to make. How can I use these three to create a 3D plot? plot3 and scatter three return these errors:
"Error using scatter3 (line 59) Input arguments must be numeric, datetime, duration or categorical.
Error in PlottingData (line 1) scatter3(x1,y1,z1)"
What should I use to plot this?
  4 commentaires
Adam le 17 Juil 2017
Well, as I said, I don't use tables, but it seems like a basic operation
This page may help.
John le 17 Juil 2017
table2array() will get that done. If your table has non-numeric values and numeric values, apply table2array() just on the subset that is numeric.

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 17 Juil 2017
If your x1, y1, z1 are tables with a single variable, then
scatter3(x1{:,1}, y1{:,1}, z1{:,1})
  1 commentaire
Sarah Weatherly
Sarah Weatherly le 18 Juil 2017
Worked well! Thank you very much!

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