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Attempt to modify 'fuzwiz' which is a locked (read-only) library

15 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Rim SALAH le 23 Août 2017
Error in 'integration_pv_power_system_fuzzyOuMPPT/Inverter Control/Fuzzy Logic Controller with Ruleviewer/Fuzzy Logic Controller': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated. Caused by: Attempt to modify 'fuzwiz' which is a locked (read-only) library

Réponses (1)

Sudarshan Kolar
Sudarshan Kolar le 29 Août 2017
Hi Rim,
From the error you have mentioned here, it seems like you have a Simulink model which has a library block inside. It seems like you have a script in the InitFcn callback that is modifying the structure of this library block.
Please remember that you have to disable the locked link of this block to the library before making any changes to it.
1. Remove the lock from the library
2. Disable the library link
3. Run your model
This should fix your issue.
You can read more about library lock disabling here .
You can read more about the library blocks here .
Hope that helps.


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