- Can you list in order the current steps taken by your professor? Ex: 1) download script, 2) copy file, 3) open matlab, 4) find + run script, 5) select file, 6) save file, 7) move file....
- What file is this script accessing? (Or show us the script)
- What is the script generating?
- Do you want the script to access many different files with different names and different folder locations? uigetfile is pretty convenient, and you can set the default dir it opens to.
- Do you have a shared folder setup on a network that's always there?
- What is "everything" that needs to be written to a folder?
Different computer save folder
7 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
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I have a script that I need to share with my professor. I used the commands uigetfile and uigetdir so that my professor can select my sent files for analysing but I was wondering if there was an easier way that my professor could use the scripts and if there is a way that he can write everything to a folder? I have already seen something like this : [pathname ] but I can not figure it out. Please help
6 commentaires
le 13 Oct 2017
Modifié(e) : OCDER
le 13 Oct 2017
I see, so you want to save the output folder to the parent directory of the script? EX:
Professor computer has:
You want script to automatically find the EMG files, and then save results to:
C:/ThisDir/output.xlsx ? or
C:/ThisDir/Ouput/output.xlsx ?
Also, I'm assuming output.xlsx is saving T, f, fs, etc for every .emg file (so 100 emg files will give you 100 data rows) ?
Réponse acceptée
le 13 Oct 2017
Modifié(e) : OCDER
le 13 Oct 2017
Try this out and see if it works. It assumes there an "emg" subfolder. If it can't find it, then it will ask prof to select the dir. Also, "filename" is changed to the full filename. Once the loop is done, it will save all results to a summary.xlsx file in the same dir of mydir (emg directory).
%Figure out key folder paths
ScriptDir = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath')); %script subfolder
MainDir = fileparts(ScriptDir); %folder above the script folder
mydir = fullfile(MainDir, 'emg'); %emg subfolder
%Select the emg folder
if ~exist(EmgDir, 'dir') %If the default emg folder is not there, ask prof to select it
mydir = uigetdir(EmgDir);
if isnumeric(mydir)
error('No directory selected');
%Get files, not folders
myfiles = dir(fullfile(mydir,'*.*'));
myfiles([myfiles.isdir]) = []; %skip . and .. and all other folders
results = cell(length(myfiles), 1);
for i=1:length(myfiles)
%filename = myfiles(i).name; %this needs the directory too.
filename = fullfile(mydir, myfiles(i).name); %this way, you get the dir + filename
[~, basename, ext] = fileparts(filename);
if isempty(basename)
fprintf('skipping dot file "%s"\n', filename)
continue %go on to next file
switch ext
case {'.xls', '.xlsx'}
fprintf('xlsread for file "%s"\n', filename);
emg = xlsread(filename);
case '.csv'
fprintf('it is csvread for file "%s"\n', filename);
emg = csvread(filename);
fprintf('Warning: file "%s" is unrecognized extension\n', filename);
continue %go on to next file
fprintf('processing data with %d rows and %d columns\n', size(emg,1), size(emg,2));
%%%Plot signal
t = emg(:,1);
y1 = emg (:,2);
f = 1/N; %frequency
fs= 1000; %sampling frequency
T = 1/fs; %period between each sample
results{i} = {filename N mat2str(ls) f fs T}; %Saving results (Fixed version)
%Saving everything to excel in the same dir of the emg files
targetFile = fullfile(mydir, 'summary.xlsx');
xlswrite(targetfile, cat(1, results{:}));
1 commentaire
le 13 Oct 2017
Oh, didn't realize ls was a matrix. Change this:
results{i} = {filename N ls f fs T}; %ERROR
results{i} = {filename N mat2str(ls) f fs T}; %FIXED
%but, ls will be saved something like '[1 100]'.
%Another way is to split ls into row & col components like this:
results{i} = {filename N ls(1) ls(2) f fs T}; %FIXED
NOTE: consider replacing ls with something else as this is a matlab function. Also, reserve the Answer sections for answers only, to prevent confusion as to which is an answer.
Hope this helps!
Plus de réponses (1)
le 13 Oct 2017
Modifié(e) : Matthew
le 13 Oct 2017
A simple way to do this is to use mfilename to find the path to where the file is being run on the professor's computer.
[folderPath,fileName] = fileparts(mfilename('fullpath'));
OutputPath = fullfile(folderPath,'OutputDirectory');
if ~exist(OutputPath,'dir')
outputFile1 = fopen(fullfile(OutputPath,'OutputFile1.txt'),'w');
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