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Hoe to use BRAT Dataset? It is in .nii format. I want to store it in .mat files. How to do it?

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
[V info]=ReadData3D(file .nii);
After this V has 256*256*155 matrix.
How to read the image?

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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson le 2 Déc 2017
I think it likely that you have already read the images. .nii files often have multiple slices stored in the same file. Your slices are V(:,:,1), V(:,:,2), V(:,:,3) and so on.
If you have R2017a or later, you could view them using
  3 commentaires
anmol maharana
anmol maharana le 3 Déc 2017
Yes sir now i am getting the images.Thank you.

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