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save to 2nd decimal, then add brackets

3 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Dave le 3 Fév 2018
Commenté : Stephen23 le 3 Fév 2018
I needed to round a matrix of double to the second decimal. And also convert the second row such that each entry is in brackets, and then save to mat, txt, or xls.
This is the initial matrix
A=[1.224, 1.338;
2.451, -2.367;
1.222, 4.123]
For rounding, I tried
But it generates a vector not a matrix. For adding the brackets, I tried to use
strcat('(',A(2,:),')'), not working.
The change should result in this (either a mat or txt or xls)
B=[1.22, 1.34;
(2.45), (-2.37);
1.22, 4.12]

Réponse acceptée

Stephen23 le 3 Fév 2018
Modifié(e) : Stephen23 le 3 Fév 2018
A = [1.224,1.338;2.451,-2.367;1.222,4.123];
fdir = '.'; directory
name = 'myfile.txt';
fmt = 'B=[%.2f, %.2f;\n(%.2f), (%.2f);\n%.2f, %.2f]';
[fid,msg] = fopen(fullfile(fdir,name),'wt');
  3 commentaires
Dave le 3 Fév 2018
got it using \t, thanks man
Stephen23 le 3 Fév 2018
The code save a file that produces exactly what you asked for:
B=[1.22, 1.34;
(2.45), (-2.37);
1.22, 4.12]
If you want something else please specify it clearly.

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