Estimate RPM from signal pulses received from IR sensor connected to Arduino on Simulink

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I need to control the speed of a DC motor with the PID controller that I have designed. I am using Arduino for controlling the motor and an IR sensor to get the speed.
I just wanted to know how I can do this on Simulink to get the speed of motor in rpm because IR sensor output is a train of pulses whenever it is triggered, and I want process these pulses on Simulink and get the speed.
Thank you.
  4 commentaires
Birdman le 9 Fév 2018
Do you have the datasheet for your IR sensor?
SHAMANTH GOWDA le 9 Fév 2018
I could not find the datasheet, but i can give you the link from which resembles the same

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