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Need help with table conversion

2 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
NeverPerfecT le 13 Mar 2018
I have multiple CSV files, consisting of 1 target csv and 50ish source csv.
This is one example of the source csv
id l_id date duration team teamB Win A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
123 3692 11/2/94 2451 TeamB 3 1 1 46 55 72 85 12 5 50 60 114
124 4255 15/2/94 2355 TeamA 2 0 5 31 24 6 26 99 68 3 111 52
...and so on
This is the target csv I would like to convert the source into
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 T8 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 ... H114
0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 ... -1
0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 1 0 0 ... 0
...and so on
How the conversion work, it reads data from source csv. Only column "teamB" and "A1 to B5" will be used. The source column "T1~T8" reads data from column "teamB", while "H1~H114" reads from "A1~B5". On source csv - row 1, "teamB" has a value of 3, so target csv's "T3" will have value of '-1'. On row 2, "teamB" has value of 2, so "T2" have value of -1.
For "A1~B5", numbers will be converted to corresponding "H###", it will have a value of '1' if it's present in "A#" column, value of '-1' if present in the "B#" column, and '0' if it's not present at all on that particular row. Here's a practical example for row 1:
* A1 has a value of 1, so H1 will have a value of 1
A2 has a value of 46, so H46 will have a value of 1
A3 has a value of 55, so H55 will have a value of 1
A4 has a value of 72, so H72 will have a value of 1
A5 has a value of 85, so H85 will have a value of 1
* B1 has a value of 12, so H12 will have a value of -1
B2 has a value of 5, so H5 will have a value of -1
B3 has a value of 50, so H50 will have a value of -1
B4 has a value of 60, so B60 will have a value of -1
B5 has a value of 52, so B52 will have a value of -1
* Numbers not present on A1~B5 will have a value of 0 on the corresponding H1~H114
I'm using Matlab R2015, how can I achieve this? Sorry for the poor choices of wording/sentece, I'm not a fluent English speaker. Also, thanks in advance!

Réponse acceptée

Guillaume le 13 Mar 2018
Code written on the fly, completely untested. There may be bugs / typos:
filelist = {....} %built however you want, maybe with dir
outtables = cell(size(filelist));
Avars = sprintfc('A%d', 1:5); %sprintfc is an undocumented function. In newer matlab use compose which is documented
Bvars = sprintfc('B%d', 1:5);
Tvars = sprintfc('T%d', 1:8);
Hvars = sprintfc('H%d', 1:114);
for fileidx = 1:numel(filelist)
t = readtable(fullfile('c:\somewhere', filelist{fileidx}));
teams = zeros(height(t), 8);
members = zeros(height(t), 114);
teams(sub2ind(size(teams), (1:height(t))', t.teamB)) = -1;
members(sub2ind(size(members), repmat((1:height(t))', 1, 5), t{:, Avars})) = 1;
members(sub2ind(size(members), repmat((1:height(t))', 1, 5), t{:, Bvars})) = -1;
outtables{fileidx} = array2table([teams, members], 'VariableNames', [Tvars, Hvars]);
writetable(vertcat(outtables{:}), fullfile('c:\somewhere', 'outname.csv'));

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