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How to multiply every pixels?

6 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Sneha P S
Sneha P S le 11 Avr 2018
Commenté : Matt J le 12 Avr 2018
I need to find the product of every all the pixel values in a matrix. That is, if an image of size 256×256×3 is taken... i need to find the entire product of 65536 values
  4 commentaires
Sneha P S
Sneha P S le 11 Avr 2018
Sneha P S
Sneha P S le 11 Avr 2018
Sorry i just meant to mention the matrix of size 256×256. Will anyone help me to do the same

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Réponse acceptée

Rik le 11 Avr 2018
You can use prod.
But it is very likely that the product will be either 0, inf or -inf, because of the large number of elements.
  1 commentaire
Matt J
Matt J le 12 Avr 2018
But it is very likely that the product will be either 0, inf or -inf, because of the large number of elements.
@Sneha, Is the ulterior motive to compute the log-product? If so, better to do this by summation.

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