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How can I import multiple Excel files?

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Asher Zaidi
Asher Zaidi le 6 Juin 2018
Clôturé : Asher Zaidi le 6 Juin 2018
files = dir('*.xls');
for i=1:length(files)
x = eval(['importdata(files(i).name)']);
z1 = x.data(:,5); %grabs column 5 from x.data
z2 = x.data(:,6); %grabs column 6 from x.data
%%obtains value closest to 0 in column 'z2'
[~, imin] = min(abs(z2 - numb));
value(i) = z2(imin)
When trying to run the code above, I get this error
>> test2
Warning: File contains uninterpretable data.
> In importdata (line 144)
In test2 (line 3)
Index in position 2 exceeds array bounds.
Error in test2 (line 4)
z1 = x.data(:,5); %grabs column 5 from x.data
However, if I attempt to import ".txt" files it works just fine. How can I import multiple excel files?
  4 commentaires
Asher Zaidi
Asher Zaidi le 6 Juin 2018
Error using xlsread (line 260)
Invalid zip file "/MATLAB Drive/1.xlsx".
'xlsread()' gives this error above
Asher Zaidi
Asher Zaidi le 6 Juin 2018
I can confirm, after saving the file as an "Excel 97-2003 Workbook" (.xls), it began working fine. Thank you!

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