Simulink exclusive area Autosar

11 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Thomas Mayr
Thomas Mayr le 11 Juin 2018
Modifié(e) : Ulrich le 23 Sep 2019
Hello, i'm working for bosch in austria and i'm currently working in a project with autosar. i have to include a so called "exclusive area" which is desribed here (from page 25): i don't know where to include the exclusive-area-block in the simulink file. i generate code out of simulink to build it for a microcontroller we use. maybe after the code generation and after including the "exclusive-area"-block a #define variable appears in the code. it would be great if you have an expert simulink in conjunction with autosar to help me out with this problem. thanks in advance, best regards, thomas

Réponses (2)

TAB le 12 Juin 2018
In my knowledge until Matlab R2015b, Exclusive area is not supported by Mathwork's AUTOSAR toolbox.
To place some section of your generated code from model in exclusive area, you need to design your own memory section using custom storage class.
It can be achieved using PrePragma & PostPragma properties of Simulink.MemorySectionDefn.
For details, search for Design Custom Storage Classes and Memory Sections in your Matlab documentation.

Ulrich le 23 Juil 2018
Modifié(e) : Ulrich le 23 Sep 2019
When you are using a newer MATLAB release, then you should have a look here: Configure AUTOSAR Per-Instance Memory.




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