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how to predefine a matrix with one unknown dimension

46 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Eliraz Nahum
Eliraz Nahum le 12 Oct 2018
Déplacé(e) : Dyuman Joshi le 18 Oct 2023
hey everybody I am interested in predefining a matrix with unknown dimension. I know that the matrix should have 15 rows (number of iterations), but the number of columns (time stages) depends on a stop condition in the code, and hence can't be known in advance. can I create a general definition like v=[]; but for a matrix with one known dimension? In addition, is it possible to create a zero matrix with 1 unknown dimension?
  1 commentaire
Eliraz Nahum
Eliraz Nahum le 13 Oct 2018
Déplacé(e) : Dyuman Joshi le 18 Oct 2023
Thank you all. Both ways are good and I even learned some new elegant things.

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Réponse acceptée

Matt J
Matt J le 12 Oct 2018
Modifié(e) : Matt J le 12 Oct 2018
No, all the dimensions of a matrix must be explicitly defined. What I often do in those cases is pre-define a cell array,
with a conservatively large N. Then, as the loop runs, accumulate the data in a sequence of cells,
for i=1:N
if stop_condition
Later, you can just assemble the cells into a matrix with,
and the empty cells will be ignored.

Plus de réponses (1)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst le 13 Oct 2018
Just define a matrix that's well large enough to hold all your numbers, like a few million elements or whatever.
v = zeros(15, 1000000);
Then do whatever you need to do assigning rows and columns in v, then, if you've kept track of the max column number, you can simply crop the array
v = v(:, maxColumn);


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