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Hi there, I would like to launch a .bat file from matlab at the bat file direcetry

9 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
I am using the following commands:
system('.\VFPSolver\runvfph.bat &'); and it works, but point to the matlab directory. I would like to let Matlab execute bat file at the bat file directory. Any suggestions?

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Jan le 31 Oct 2018
Modifié(e) : Jan le 31 Oct 2018
Maybe you mean.
system('runvfph.bat &');
  2 commentaires
Davide Di Pasquale
Davide Di Pasquale le 31 Oct 2018
Thanks, but when the bat file (inside there is an executable) finish running, it generates same files that I would like to copy on a Folder. But using the command inside the matlab script: copyfile *.force Outputs I got an error Error in run_solver (line 7) copyfile *.force Outputs because of course the excutable did not finish yet. How to say matlab to wait until the run is completed?

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