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equivalence of the codes that can be used for erasing the first row of R if cell R(1,3) is occupied by NaN?
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Dear all,
Could you please verify the equivalence of the codes that can be used for erasing the first row of R if cell R(1,3) is occupied by NaN?
Code 1:
[N,T,R] = xlsread(xlfilename);
if isnan(cell2mat(R(1,3)))
Code 2
TT = cellfun( @isnan, R(1,3), ‘UniformOuput’, true);
R( ( TT,1), : ) = [] ;
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le 5 Juil 2012
I'm sorry but I don't understand what you are looking for. Code 2 is the code that I gave you
R is the raw output of the xlsread function. In each cell, there is a numeric or a string. So R(1,3) is a cell, and you are checking one value to erase the column of your cell array. In code 2 you are using a command (cellfun)used to manage cell arrays just for one cell, and after, you don't use TT !!
*for erasing the first row of R if cell R(1,3) is occupied by NaN *
if all(isnan( R{1,3} ))
R(1,:) = []
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