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two conditions on two 8*256 matrices

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Nabil Mederbel
Nabil Mederbel le 13 Avr 2019
Clôturé : MATLAB Answer Bot le 20 Août 2021
Hi everyone,
i have problem about knapsack problem.
8*256 matrix A contains element representing the weigth
8*256 matrix B containg elements representing the value .
i want to get the max value with a weight constrains not excceding 28.
below line of code retund a lot value ?
indices = find((A(:,1)<capacity) & y(:,1)== max(valid_benefit_ar))
  2 commentaires
madhan ravi
madhan ravi le 13 Avr 2019
Modifié(e) : madhan ravi le 13 Avr 2019
Illustrate with a short 3 X 3 matrix and explicitly show how your result should look like.
Nabil Mederbel
Nabil Mederbel le 13 Avr 2019
W = [ 1 3 4] && weight
b = [ 5 6 7] && value
n = 8 %% possible combonation
capacity = 7 && masse in Kg
indices = find((W(:,1)<capacity) & y(:,1)== max(sum b))

Réponses (2)

Nabil Mederbel
Nabil Mederbel le 13 Avr 2019
  1 commentaire
Nabil Mederbel
Nabil Mederbel le 13 Avr 2019
hello, I want to optimisa the code by combining the two condition maximum value with weight constraint usng
indices = find((W(:,1)<capacity) & y(:,1)== max(sum b))
and then retund row value

Matt J
Matt J le 13 Avr 2019
There are lots of knapsack problem solvers on the File Exchange

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