Bug with VideoReader class using R2019a

1 vue (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
Valentin Doguet
Valentin Doguet le 23 Avr 2019
Hi all,
The following script worked perfectly fine with Matlab R2018b under a PC machine. I now installed version R2019a and the script remains busy for a while after the first third of my video, without trhowing error or crash report. I did try with the same video and another old Matlab version, the script works.
I assume there's some bugs with the last Matlab R219a version, and this might be one if these.
Am I right?
Thank you.
filePath = 'test.avi';
%Create video Object
movObj = VideoReader(filePath);
%Get some properties
duration = movObj.Duration;
height = movObj.Height;
width = movObj.Width;
nbF = movObj.NumberOfFrame;
%Recreate the object since we called NumberOfFrame method
movObj = VideoReader(filePath);
%Allocate enough memory for all frames to import
frames = zeros(height, width, 3, nbF, 'uint8');
%Get frame one-by-one
waitB = waitbar(0, 'Read Frames');
i = 1;
while hasFrame(movObj)
%Get the next frame
frames(:, :, :, i) = readFrame(movObj);
i = i + 1;
%Update waitbar if any
if exist('waitB', 'var') && isvalid(waitB)
waitbar(movObj.CurrentTime/movObj.Duration, waitB)

Réponses (1)

Margaret Pinson
Margaret Pinson le 30 Juil 2019
I am also having problems with VideoReader, hasFrame, and readFrame in MATLAB 2019a. There are inconsistencies where the first frame is read twice or the last frame won't read.

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