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Reading a wire value from Simulink into the Command Window or GUIDE

5 vues (au cours des 30 derniers jours)
River Rock
River Rock le 20 Août 2012
Modifié(e) : John Kelly le 12 Juil 2016
I want to read the values that passes through a wire in my Simulink model.
This value should be displayed in a text field on a MATLAB GUI (it's the water level in a tank that is acquired every 100 ms).
I found out about get_param instruction, but until now I only managed to get the values from constants and transfer functions; example: get_param('main/Constant','Value') ; get_param('main/Transfer Function','Denominator').
How do I address a wire and its property list (value)?
The data is generated by an OPC Read block, passing through a subsystem using an Out port.

Réponse acceptée

Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind le 20 Août 2012
Modifié(e) : John Kelly le 12 Juil 2016

Plus de réponses (1)

River Rock
River Rock le 21 Août 2012
Thanks for your answer; I was able to get the data from the filter's output
data=get_param('main/level/level_filter','RuntimeObject'); lvl = data.OutputPort(1).Data;
It works ok by request
How can I display this data cyclically in a Static Text field on a GUI ? Is there some callback that runs periodically ( and the sample time can be specified) ?
  4 commentaires
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind le 22 Août 2012
Is fetch_data part of the GUI function? I think that it should indeed be a standalone function. You can cache the GUI "handles" object onto the block's UserData. Haven't tested this myself, but how about:
In GUI file:
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
set_param('main/nivel/MATLAB Function', 'UserData', handles);
iev = add_exec_event_listener('main/nivel/MATLAB Function','PostOutputs',@fetch_data);
In a standalone function:
function fetch_data(block, eventData)
handles = get_param(block.BlockHandle,'UserData');
River Rock
River Rock le 23 Août 2012
I found a workaround yesterday. But your solution looks more elegant, I had to use global variables.
Thanks for your great support, the problem is solved.

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